Dear freaking diary

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(2.21.15 10:18 pm)
Dear freaking diary,
I'm Karri Bold.
Just a few definitions you'll need to know.

Bib•lio•phile: a person who loves or collects books

Ob•ses•sive: thinking about something or someone too much or in a way that is not normal : having an obsession : showing or relating to an obsession

Fan•girl: a girl or woman who is an extremely or overly enthusiastic fan of someone or something

Crazy: full of cracks or flaws

Crazy. What an overused word. It's true though. Everyone has cracks and flaws everywhere. Inside and out. It's just a matter of who hides it and who embraces it. And fangirls embrace it.

I am all of the definitions above. My definition of fangirl(s): family. Friends. Alike. Accepting. The craziest bibliophiles I know.
Any fangirl would be proud to claim that definition. I hope I have.
Anyway, the point in me writing to you isn't because you'll read it. That's stupid. You can't read. You're a diary. It's to show how my life is slowly being destroyed by books and the Internet etc. This way, I'll have proof that at one point I was more normal that I probably will be in a few years or less.
Anyway, gotta run. I'm going to get this app called Instagram and make an account.

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