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"Curse of the first-born?" Rebekah asks "What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?"

"HOLD UP" I say "So our crazy ass aunt abducted our eldest sister as payment for letting our mother have children?"

"Our family" Kol grumbles

"If we believe Finn, who learned it from the bastion of truth-- our mother" Elijah says

"Well, no wonder Finn hates us" Rebekah sighs "He lost the sister he adored, and instead got a judgy pack of siblings who found him unbearably dull"

"It's because he is dull" I add

"Great" Fishy eyes says "So, is there any chance of us running into your loony aunt Dahlia any time soon"

"The fable's over a thousand years old" Elijah gives "Dahlia is long dead"

"....like Ester?"

"That bitch never dies" Kol sighs "We'll just have to kill her again"

"No one is going to hurt Hope, because no one's going to find her" the Nik pauses "There's enough wood, Rebekah. You'll burn down the whole bloody state of Arkansas"

Rebekah freaks out "Well, we're just missing a key ingredient"

I groan while Nik says "No, we're not"

"Yes, we are, Nik! Skule! Back me up, Elijah! Kol!"

Elijah laughs "I suspect Niklaus and Skule would rather choke on the ashes"

"What are you all talking about" fishy eyes asks

"Before we light it, we write down our wishes for each other to burn for luck! It's my favorite part" Kol says excitedly

"Hope's first bonfire season. I like it" then Haley smiles "we're doing it" that's when she runs inside

Rebekah and Kol look at us smugly


Kol finds me about thirty minutes later "You have to write one"

"I don't have anything to wish for" I sigh "Wish I were dead how about that one"

he stares at me

I roll my eyes and take the paper and the pencil

"I wish that our parents would stop coming back from the dead to ruin our lives" I write and say handing it to him "Happy"

Kol smiles smugly at me "yes" then rushes off


Nik is lighting the damn bonfire

Rebekah comes running out "HEY! Look what I found" she holds up a polaroid camera signaling a groan from us "I wonder if it'll work?"

I groan once again falling onto the ground

"Oh, bloody hell" Nik sighs

"Come on, let's try it!" Rebekah pleads "Hey, Nik, do you think you can cram us all into a selfie?"

Kol chuckles "It's about the only thing he knows how to do"

"Niklaus is virtuoso at cramming his siblings into confined spaces"

"Well, I'm just glad I traveled hundreds of miles to visit my mentally ill brother, only to have him throw it in my face" Nik pouts

"Oh, come on, just take the picture" Rebekah squeals "get up Skule"

with a groan I get up

we all smoosh together

everyone is smiling

except for Nik and I

we keep our blank faces

the photo comes out the bottom

"Aw, see? I wish that it could always be like this?"

"Like what" I snicker "our parents chasing us? That's been going on for a long time so wish granted"

Nik sighs looking at the photo graph "You realize we'll have to burn it. You want me to make a wish for the family, Rebekah? I wish it didn't have to be like this. But, it does" then hands the phone to fishy eyes "We can't risk it falling into the wrong hands"

with a sigh I walk back into the house


it was decided that Kol, Rebekah, and I would go discuss mother's proposal

so here we are with mother

she's pouring us cups of tea

"You can't possibly expect giving up eternal life over tea" then Rebekah points to the wine "give me some of that red over there"

Kol chuckles

I just continue to stare at mother

she smiles and pours the wine

"Well, where's the sales pitch?" Rebekah asks

"Rebekah" mother starts "I only offer what you already want" she looks to Kol "What you want" then she looks to me "What you want"

"And how would you know what we want" I sigh "I mean....Rebekah's is pretty obvious. She wants to get married, have kids, and grow old"

"You want to be dead" she sighs "since your wife died you have been spiraling. Then Kol wants his magic back" she smiles "If you were human you would die like a human"

that is true

"Our wishes align" she finally says "I could free you from the curse of living"

"for a thousand years I've only wanted one thing" I breath "My Sofia and My Ace and my new baby and all the other baby's that were to come" I fall back into my seat "This is my punishment for everything I've ever done" that's my que to get up and leave


"Hello, father" I sigh sitting on a bench in a park "Long time"

"You killed me" is all he says

a hum flows out of my lungs "You killed my son, fair is fair"

I twist the ring he gave me on my finger "Why was I your favorite? Why did you break tradition by giving me this ring? Why did you make me get married? Finally, why didn't you just let me live my married life as a human?" I finally turn around to look at him

he takes the seat on the bench by me "When you were young I started out by treating you like the rest, but when you were four you did something none of the rest did. You followed me out to go hunting when I had to drag the others with me, and no matter how much I yelled at you. You would keep coming back to me. I gave you that ring because you would always play with it when you were younger. Sofia and you were bound to get together; the looks you two shared. I just sped it along. Finally, I couldn't stand to lose you even if you hated me"

I look at him "Your suppose to feel that way about all your children"

Mikael rolls his eyes at me "I did love Freya, Finn is too dull, Elijah too moral, Niklaus is not my son, Rebekah loves too much, Kol is too childish, and Henrik was too calm"

"Was it worth it?" I ask "Was it worth turning me, killing my son, and making me hate you?" then I walk away

Wish I were deadWhere stories live. Discover now