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"Wake up shit-for-brains." a Voice calls out kicking Danny out of bed.

Danny falls into the ground before quickly getting up ready to throw down

there he sees the smug look of his Half brother and comrade, Diego Brando.

"Dad wants to see you in the Library." he says coldly turning away

in response Danny jokingly flips him off.

which gains Diegos attention as matches the gesture

"Fuck you too little bro..." he smirks before leaving Danny's room.

Danny changes out of his Pyjamas and into his usual Attire

Danny changes out of his Pyjamas and into his usual Attire

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afterwards he hooks up his gauntlet to his arm.

this Gauntlet was created to allow Danny to drink blood and use his Quirk despite its initial uselessness.

His Quirk, Nicknamed Renfield allows Danny to absorb Blood into himself to enhance his physical power and durability along with gifting him an ability to heal from wounds as long as they are not too great and unlike his Father's version of the Quirk Solar Radiation doesn't dissolve the enhancements. It one weakness being Danny's inability to use it without specialized gauntlets that allow him to absorb the blood through his fingers.

entering a library of sorts a shadowed figure stands tall atop a set of stairs reading a book.

Danny quickly kneels at the feet of the menacing figure

"What is thy bidding, Father." he says looking down.

"Danny..." the figure begins without turning around. "What did we say about making pop culture references?"

"Not to make them in your presence, Father." Danny huffs.

"And why bow?" his father, Dario Brando asks. "Kneeling is for those lesser than yourself, it is unbecoming of my heir to so easily bend a knee, even if it is to his own father."

Danny stands up as Dario motions for him to stand beside him.

He's looking over a Diary

images of some mask-like construct decorate the pages as he flips through

"After 7 Decades my work is near its completion... and when it is all shall bow down to us, even that jackass Shigaraki... if he's still alive that is, pretty sure he is, having his head caved in my all might just doesn't seem like a death that suits him..."


that name rings a bell.

"Father." Danny begins. "Pardon me but isn't Shigaraki one of those villains who attacked the USJ a few weeks ago?"

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