March 16

9 1 0

You know, dream. I know he isn't a good person. But I feel, I miss him. Today I decided to maybe go visit dream. I spent over thirty minutes just standing there. Debating. He's done a lot of bad things. He even killed a kid. I'm just. I don't know. I know he has done all this bad stuff but, all I want is to be with him.

The thought of him gives me butterflies. The thought of his voice.

I went into the prison and called for Sam to let me in. My palms were so sweaty. After I signed papers and emptied my stuff. The anxiety was building up, my stomach was starting to ache. I could feel sweat begin to drop from my hair.

"Um, are you ok? George you don't have to visit him, it isn't too late to back out yet." Sam said as he notices how much I was shaking.

"No no no," I said quickly "I have to do this."

Sam shook it off and continued the process. I was standing in front of the lava. Slowly it began to lower. I saw dream, but he was sitting down, back towards me. He didn't say a word. I stepped on the bridge and I crossed. And I just stood there for five minutes right behind dream. My anxiety grew. It felt like I was sinking in a pool of cold water.

I built up the courage to say one-word "dream."

Immediately he turned his head and got up. I don't think he was expecting me. I could see he felt ashamed.

But at that moment I felt better. I wasn't as scared. At that moment all I wanted to do was hug dream. I knew he didn't hug me first because things are different and he knows he is a bad person.

I ran to him and I hugged him. He was shocked, I could tell. But after a few seconds, he gave into the hug and began to cry. Without knowing what to do, I continued to hug him, as it felt good. Eventually, dream collapsed to the floor and we both sat. In dream’s face, I saw scars and guilt. I sat closer to him almost leaning on his shoulder. Still, I didn't know what to say, I haven't seen him in so long. So I just sat in silence until dream said something.

"I'm sorry"

"Huh," I said not quit hearing what he said, after a second my brain comprehended. I forgot our situation."oh, ya. I mean... I can't say I forgive you. Not that I don't. It's just. You have done a lot of bad things. As much as I miss you. This is what has to be done."

I could tell dream felt more ashamed of himself, but I didn't say anything that wasn't true. For hours we would talk. I caught him up on things he has missed.

I ended up falling asleep on his lap but I woke up when I heard sam calling for me. He had other visitors. For a meal second, I felt jealousy, but it was getting late and I had to go. I woke up dream. And gave him a last hug. And walked across.

Walking down the hallway I noticed quackity walking down. But he had an ax and sword in his hand. I'm pretty sure you aren't allowed to bring weapons in but I ignored it. Thinking about it now, I'm worried he hurt dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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