story casting

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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. final year student.. Very talk active and innocent.. She loves ashwin silently.. Her parents are very friendly in nature. Her hobbies are spending time with her friends and drawing only.. Her mother is karnatic singer. But she doesn't know the abcd of music and singing.. But there, no one blame her about it.
She will do whatever she wants for Ashwin though. Secretly she has started learning music for ashwin, even though she facing lot of cricticisims for her childish voice.


Classmate and brother figure of shivangi

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Classmate and brother figure of filling character. He loves shivangi as a sister..
Close friend of ashwin. His childhood love is his aunt's daughter.. For her love, he has come to college to getting a degree..

Ashwin kumar:

Very silent and handsome man

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Very silent and handsome man. Pugazh and shivangi are his only close friends.
He loves his friends very much..
His passion is music. His ambition is to become a great composer. But his orthodox family did not allowed to participate that kind of works.. But he is secretly working for his goal. Shivangi and pugazh are supporting pillars of his dream.

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