Chapter 1

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When I was a teenager, 17 to be exact, something happened that would change me forever. The only reason I'm here is to tell you the story of exactly what happened. From my point of view.

When I was a teenager, 17 to be exact, something happened that would change me forever. The only reason I'm here is to tell you the story of exactly what happened.

"Mallory, remind us why you dragged us down here to watch you do dishes, again?" the person who I call my best frind, Natalie, asks me. (Warning: she is not a very nice person.) I look at Natalie quickly, taking in her black hair that was thrown into a quick bun and her dark brown eyes.

"Becuase, not all of us are as comfortable in our financial situation as you are." It was true, she had money. I had to work for the schoolto pay of the part of the tuition my scholarship didn't pay for. How I wish I could be more like Natalie. She had everything: a body that carried no extra fat and yet had full-sized boobs (is that even natural?), brains that rivaled Aristotle or Maya Angelou, money to throw around... Everything a girl could ask for, and more.

"Can we please focus on my ranting about the back-to-school-night practices?" Connor this time. I look back to see his perfectly sculpted body, sandy bron hair, and green eyes. He catches me looking and raises his eyebrows. "Like what you see, Mallory?"

No matter how many times he says that, it gets me to blush every time. I am turning back to the dishes, still as red as a tomato. Connor comes up behind, wraps his strong arms around my petite waist, and buries his head in my neck. But because I am nearly a foot shorter than him, he has to bend down so much I'm surprised he hasn't become a hunchback yet. Connor really does seem to like this postion.

"Ewww! I did not come down here to watch Connor suck on Mallory's neck! If I wanted to see something like that, I would have satyed in my own room and done it!" There goes Bern, ruining every moment a couple can have.

Connor, unaffected, merely asks (with squinted eyes and a fake interested voice), "Is that what you do in your room alone?"

At that, Bern's normally pale face, goes red, nearly as red as his fiery locks. And his hair is BRIGHT RED! We're all laughing, aside for Bern of course.

Jen, always being a kind person, tells us to that we're supposed to be complaining about the back-to-school-night practices.

"Oh, right," Jerry says, the only one aside from Jen that is truly kind. Jerry has definitely always been the nice one, the nicest out of us all. Don't get me wrong, we're all really nice to people we don't know, but we're mean to each other and we're to people who annoy us. Unfortunately, the number of people who don't annoy us very small- and most of it is our group.

I guess I should explain exactly who this "our group" is, or you will be confused for most  of the remaining part of the story.

You see, there are small divisions between our close-knit group. The people who just know each other better then everybody else does. Lily and Jordan are one. Connor and Jerry are another. Jen and Natalie and Bern are the other. Where do I fit in? Mostly with Jen and Natalie, but I spend most of my time with Connor and Jerry.

There are relationships within this group. For example, Connor and I are dating. Then there's Jerry and Jordan. Plus, Natalie and Bern. Jen is done with boys, and Lily hasn't found one worth her time yet.

To the one on one descriptions.

Lily is a blonde with brown eyes.I always loved that combination, but every girl in the school envies her hair of straw. She is short, maybe 5'5". Her legs are amazing and she is quite the skinny one. She has a bit of extra fat, but she doesn't care. She's confident. Easygoing. Charasmatic. She loves like a beast, always protective and accepting. She's just wonderful.

Now to Jordan. She's another one with the blonde hair-brown-eyes combination. She is tall, 5'8". She has weight to lose. She's still beautiful though. Her personality is beautiful too. Even though she can be mean and teases, she has every good quality one needs.

Jerry is an amazing person. He has such a great personality, and is humble about it too. He has blue green eyes and brown hair that tumbles just a little bit to the blonde side, so it looks a little bit like brown sugar. He's great, and rivals with Natalie and Jen to be first on my "best friend list."

Speaking of Natalie and Jen, the two are inseperable. Natalie has black hair and dark brown eyes, with a perfect body. No joke, her body is like one of a photoshopped model. Jen has brown hair that goes a little below her boob and brown eyes, a family trait. Natalie is mean, and will be so to your face, but underneath it all, she is a loving girl with the same (or maybe even extra) amount of guilt and feeling as a normal person. Jen, on the other hand, will not be mean to someone's face, but she will judge them with her close friends. Jen is the best, super funny and caring...

How am I even supposed to describe Bern? He's a clown, always cracking a joke. He has bright red hair and eyes of butterscotch. He has a naturally pale complection. He carries a little bit of extra fat, just enough so Natalie says he's great to cuddle with while in confidence (but all the people she is in confidence with shut her down automatically shut her down because no one wants to know about their life in bed... gross *shiver*). He's a pretty awesome guy.

And best for last, of course, my boyfriend, Connor. He is flat out the absolute best. He's super understanding about me when I'm unsure, and knows just how to help me get my confidence back. He is a loving guy. I'm lucky to have him. But you want to know about his looks, don't you? I don't really blame you, every girl does. His sandy brown hair goes all too well with his green eyes, both of which match his everlasting tan perfectly. He has sculpted muscles up an down his body. Long legs take him to his 6'3" hieght, which towers over my own 5'4" height.  He's... undescribable.

But for now, back to the story. At this point, Connor and I are walking down the hallway, hand in hand, to my room. When we reach the door, I turn the key in the lock and let us both in. Connor sprawls himself out on my bed while I go to my closet. I pick out a simple but fancy oufit- a chambray shirt, a black skater skirt, a braided brown belt, and black cloth ballet flats. I take my hair out of its braid, letting the light brown locks fall down to the dimples on my back in loose waves and curls.

When I finish braining my bangs and turn back to Connor, I find he has stood up and is standing a few feet away from me. His arms shoot out to grab my waist and pull me close to him. Just as it always has, my pulse shoots to the sky and the normal butterflies find thier way into my stomach. My arms wind their way around his neck. "I'm not really sure I should let you go out in public while you look that hot." His voice is light and joking, but the huskiness and the darkning in his eyes tells me he is seriously debating ditching the stupid back-to-school-night practice and staying here with me.

"Funny, I think that every time you walk out the door," I tell him. Then our lips touch, and the fireworks start popping. It is a soft, loving kiss, but underneath it is a little bit of desperation. Before it could get too heated, he pulls away.

"I better get you to class," he says, a little bit out of breath (just like me).

"Okay," I answer. He walks me to the English classrom, gives me a peck on the lips, and goes to his own class, Expiramental Science.

Author's Note: 1419 words later... what did you guys think? This chapter was honestly a little bit boring; it probably has the least action out of any of the chapters. This was unedited, so if there were any grammar or spelling mistakes, I'm sorry. I am going to TRY to update every week, but note the emphasis on TRY because it might take me two... Well, I'll do my best! Thanks and love!

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