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I woke up to a warm breath against my neck, causing goose bumps to rise upon my skin. Sammy's arms were wrapped lazily around me with his chest pressed against mine. He was still asleep, his mouth slightly agar. Light snores escaped his mouth with every breath. I stared up at him and wondered how somebody could still look so cute while sleeping.

"Stop starring at me creepier." he rasped making me jump. I laughed and ran my fingers over his jaw then to his hair. I slowly raked my fingers through his soft hair. "Mmm, morning baby," He moaned. I continued to run my fingers, slightly pulling at his roots. I untangled my hands from his hair. Sam's eyes shout open and he whined, "Why did you stop babe?" His voice is so sexy, so raspy from sleep.

"Were you enjoying that?" he shook his head without opening his eyes, "Yes." I started running my fingers through his hair, once again. "Rori?" Sam rasped, knocking me out of my daze. "Hmm," I hummed. "Let's do something today." He finally opened his eyes to look at me. "What do you have in mind?" He closed his eyes again, probably thinking of the things we could do. "It's a surprise. But wear something warm, we'll be outside." I took my hands out of his hair and crossed them over my chest. "You know I hate surprises." he smirked down at me, pulling my arms away from my chest and wrapping them around his neck, "That's why this is a surprise." His lips hovered over mine, merely brushing against mine. "Just to see you get all hot and worked up.." he whispers, trailing off at the end. He finall presses his lips against mine, but moves his lips against mine slowly. I let out a groan in frustration. "I can't kiss you properly until I brush my teeth." he kissed my nose as he unwraps his arms from around me and strolls out his room to the bathroom.

Since he left his door open, I can hear the clanking of pots and pans in the kitchen signaling somebody is making breakfast. I pull the duvet off of my unclothed legs and shiver as the cool air hits my legs. Deciding that I wasn't going put on my pants, I stayed in the boxers Sammy gave to me to wear and his t-shirt I had on, with a pair of his white tube socks on my feet.

My feet make thumping noises as a walk down the stairs, grabbng everybody's attention. "Good morning honey." Mama Wilk said as she stirred the eggs in the pan. "Good moring everybody. Do you need help?" Em and Ben said good morning from their places on the couch in the living room. "Actaully, yes. Can you stir these eggs? I'm waiting on a call." I nodded and took her place infront of the stove as she handed me the spatula she was using for the eggs. "Everything else is done." As she walked out, Sam walked in. "Good moring sweetie." he smiled at her, "Good morning, Mama."

He snaked his arms around my my waist under his shirt and laced his cool fingers on top of my stomach. "Your hands are cold Sam." He rested his head on my shoulder. "That's why I'm putting them on your tummy. Because your skin is so warm." The pads of his fingers gently tapped against my stomach as I continued to cook the food.

Once the eggs were done, Sam told everybody to come eat while I took all the plates, silverware, and glasses out. After everybody made their plates and drinks, we all sat at the kitchen table.

"Are y'all gonna tell the fans?" Shit. The fans. Some of them liked me and some of them were no where near fond of me. I have had many fans send me very very mean things for even going to an event with the boys, I can't even imagine their reactions when they find out we're dating. Of couse some of them shipped Sammy and I together.

"We haven't talked about it. We only started dating last night. We haven't even told the guys yet." Sam said, shoving his food in his mouth. I completely zoned out from their conversation after they got off that topic.

Sam is leaving for tour soon. He just got back from doing a couple shows and he is leaving again. I missed him while he was gone before we were dating, but now that we're dating, will I miss him more? I miss him when he is gone for a couple of days, let alone a month. He is my best friend, he helps me with everything.

I was knocked out of my daze when everybody got up to put there dishes away. I pushed my chair out and followed everybody to the kitchen to put my dishes away and help clean up. Sam kissed my forehead before he went into the living room with Ben.

Emily would was wash the dish then hand it to me to dry and put away. "How do you think the fans will react?" She asked as she handed me another dish. "I'm terrified as to how the fans will react." I put the plate in its right plate in the cupboard and walked back over to her. "I think they should except it. You make Sam happy and they should want him to be happy." I sighed as she handed me the last dish. "I wish everything was that simple." She dried of her hands and engulfed me in a hug. "It will be ok." I hope so.

I sat on the couch next to Sam on the couch and snuggled up next to him. "What time do you want me to drop you off at your house?" he locked his phone and looked down at me. "A couple of hours before we have to leave. I have to take a shower, do my makeup, and all that good stuff." I took my focus off the tv and looked back at Sam. "You don't need makeup though, Rori." he said sternly. I rolled my eyes and responded, "You've told me that since before I even started wearing makeup, Sam." He palyfully rolled his eyes back at me. "Only telling you the truth."


Sam slowly pulled up in my driveway then turned to me. "It's three right now, so how does five sound?" I took my focus off my garage door to look at him. "Perfect, Now please tell me what we are doing." I whined the last part. "It's a surprise baby." I leaned in and kissed him sweetly, hoping to get something out of him, just a hint of what we doing. "It's not gonna work Ror." I leaned in and kissd him with a little more force this time and set my hand on his upper thigh. He tensed underneath my touch. "Uh uh." he said, pushing my hand off his thigh. I rolled my eyes and hopped out of the car. Before I closed the car door, Sam said, "Laters baby."

As he backed out of the drive way I could see the smirk on his face. That little shit.

If you know where laters baby is from, you're my spirit animal.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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