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John was sitting down in his armchair writing on his blog when he heard the sound of feet coming up the stairs to the flat. The door swung open hitting the wall with a loud THUD

John turned around to face Sherlock who was standing tall in the doorway, he held a box in his arms and he was soaked from head to toe because of the rain that was pouring down outside.

“Sherlock? What’s that?” John asks him getting up from his armchair and walking over to him

John was surprised as to what was inside of the box. It was a kitten, its fur was sleek and shiny because of the rain outside the color of the fur was a sort of light brown with dark brown or black lines and dots scattered around its body.

“Sherlock... Why’d you bring a cat?” he asks

“It was out on the streets and it was pouring rain and dark out, I didn’t really want it to be out in the rain alone so I brought it here,” Sherlock responded calmly

“Huh,” John chuckles

“What is it?” Sherlock asks tilting his head to the side

“It’s just that I’ve never known you to be one for sentiment,” John says

“It’s not sentiment, it’s just.. bringing a cat in from the cold,” Sherlock says but anyone could tell that even himself was doubting his own words

“If you say so,” John says

“Well I do,” Sherlock says bringing the box over to Johns’s armchair and then sitting in his own.

“Alright, well it’s late so I’m going to head to bed. Good night, Sherlock” John says going up to his room

But of course, Sherlock doesn’t respond becasue he’s already in his mind palace doing god knows what. So when the morning comes John is surprised to find that Sherlock was laying on the couch fast asleep with the little kitten laying in his arms also fast asleep.

John just chuckles to himself and goes to the kitchen which is covered in a bunch of Sherlock’s experiments and makes some tea for when Sherlock wakes up.

When John is finished he puts the tea down on the coffee table for when Sherlock wakes up, but he is a bit too loud setting it down so Sherlock ends up waking up.

“John?” Sherlock mumbles groggily his voice a little bit deeper than usual considering he just woke up 

“What are you doing?” he asks sitting up but realizing that the kitten is sleeping in his arms and lays back down careful not to wake the sleeping kitten in his arms

“You were asleep so I made you tea,” John says

“Oh, well thank you,” Sherlock says

John is a little bit stunned that Sherlock actually said thank you to him, normally he will just ignore him and not say anything.

“You’re welcome, Sherlock,” John replies

“Well I better be heading off not, I don’t want to be late to work again because of you,” John says

“Sorry,” Sherlock mumbles under his breath he could barely even hear what he just said

But John is already at the door ready to leave. But John turns around and looks over at Sherlock and says “Oh, and try to find the kitten a home please,” then turns back around and walks down the stairs 

Later when John returns from work he finds Sherlock sitting in his armchair with his hands steepled under his chin and his eyes closed. “Mind Palace,” John thinks

John decides to go up to his room and not bother him. 

When John comes back down Sherlock is up and pacing around the room, but when John enters the room he stops in his tracks right in front of John.

“Oh, hello John,” Sherlock says

“Yeah hi, what are you doing?” John asks

“Nothing, why?” Sherlock asks

“Well that’s a lie, you’re never doing just nothing,” John says

“Fine John, how ‘bout this. I’m breathing, I’m talking to you, and I’m standing in front of you. Is that a better answer?” Sherlock sasses

“No, not really,” he says walking around Sherlock because John knew that he wouldn’t move if he asked

John goes over to sit in his chair but he sees that there is a box there, the same box that was there and a kitten still laying sound asleep in the box.

“Sherlock I thought I said to find the kitten a new home,” John says turning to look at Sherlock

“Well, I was going to… but you said to find it a new home and well this is a home and it is a new one from the one it was living in before considering it was in a box out on the street,” Sherlock says

“You seriously want to keep it?” John asks him in disbelief

All Sherlock does is nod his head

John sighs and after a few moments of silence John speaks “Fine, we’ll keep it.”

A wide smile spreads across Sherlocks face “Thank you, John,” he says cheerfully

Seeing Sherlock smile instantly puts a smile on John’s face “You’re welcome, Sherlock,”

This one-shot was requested by very_hot_mess I don’t know if this is what you exactly wanted but still, I hope you liked it. I will admit that was maybe not the best thing that I’ve written but I tried.

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