Chapter 1

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Hey guys. I know ive been gone. And havent updated in forever but ive lost my muse for my stories. But I recently got it back and this baby was born! I hope you like it and I plan on updating on a weekly basis! And daily if I finish early. ^-^ im not sure about my other stories yet. I just dont have the ideas for them anymore, but ill try! This came to me as I was watching Criminal Minds... Spencer is my favorite character and I thought.. hey... what if? Enjoy! And let me know what you think!

Dr. Spencer Reid quickly put together a cup of coffee, pouring a conspicuous amount of sugar in the mug. He needed his caffeine after the night he had. He had another nightmare of Tobias Hankle; someone he hasnt even thought about outside his AA meetings. He sighed as he wrapped his hand around the warm mug and walked to his desk.

He sat the mug down at the top of his desk before taking a seat, pulling the files for the day towards him. As he got started he heard Morgan greeting him from his desk directly in front of him.

"Good Morning, Morgan." The doctor greeted back, reaching up to push the hair out of his eyes, he really needed a hair cut soon.

The-most likely provocative- response from the older male was drowned out as the door to the ballpin opened and a man, looking as if he was in his mid thirties, walked in with a taller man beside him.

"Can I help you?" JJ, who just walked in from talking to Hotch, asked the men as they approached.

"Uh. Yeah, look, I actually dont wanna be here. But Sammy thought it was best we consult you on our case." The shorter, green eyed male said, as if it was painful to even be in their presence.

The blonde agent looked at him, surprised at his tone. She shrugged it off and put on the face Spencer knew as the 'i dont like you' face she used for the unsubs. "Yes? Well what is it? We're very busy here at the BAU."

Green eyes scoffed slightly, "No offense lady, but id rather talk to your boss about this."

Spencer stood up, "Why dont we all just go to the conference room? Do all of this at once." He suggested, picking up his coffee and sipping at it.

The tall one- Sammy or Sam, Spencer assumed- nodded, "Yeah. Come on, Dean. Be a little more respectful." He reprimanded tensely.

Dean shrugged before JJ led them all to the conference room and left Spencer, Derek, Sam, and Dean in the room as she went to get the rest of the team.

"So uh.. what are your names? I'm Sam. The grouchy, mean looking one is Dean." Sam told them, not wanting to wait in an awkward silence.

"Im Derek Morgan. The kid there is Spencer Reid." The older agent regarded them carefully, not entirely sure about them.

"How old are you? You look a little young to be a fed." Dean asked, leaning back and picking at the seam on his jeans.

"Im 20." Spencer answered, used to these questions being asked of him. It seemed everywhere he went, people couldnt believe he was in the FBI.

Sam looked shocked, actually leaning forward in his seat to look at the younger agent better, "Oh wow. You must be what? Some kind of genius?"

Spencer looked uncomfortable, and Morgan snorted, "Absolutely. Reid here has an IQ of 187 and has an amazing memory."

"I can also read 5,000 words per minute." The doctor couldnt help but add. He left out the fact he had a PhD in psychology and sociology.

The door opened and in stepped JJ, Aaron, Garcia, and Emily. They were all breifed on the way in about the newcomers and all sat down, looking expectantly at the two.

"So what is your case revolving around?" Aaron, the team's leader asked, getting his pen and paper ready to take down notes of the investigation.

"Hell's spawn. They're half demon. And half vampire." The older brother said bluntly. The BAU team just srared at the two for a while, in apparent shock. Spencer had accidently knocked his coffee mug to the ground and he stared at the brown stain as it soaked in the rug, getting larger and larger. What?

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