| Royal Garden, Royal Island |

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| Royal Garden, Royal Island | 

                    The last time anything interesting happened in the village of Hope's Peak, was their leader's death, Enoshima Junko. Before Enoshima was a beautiful young lady named Chiza, who was killed by Enoshima. After that, Enoshima led the 'kingdom' into a despair. A very great despair, that was stopped by her executioner, who fled the island after her death.
But why would Kamukura Izuru, the new leader of the Island think of that, that out of anything else. It had been several months since Enoshima's passing, it had been several months since Kamukura took the throne. To him, the throne felt cursed, everyone that was ruling before him died. He wasn't anxious about it, though, he didn't feel like a normal person did, his emotions rarely showed, unlike Enoshima, whose emotions were all over the place. 

  Kamukura sat at a table, which was placed in his garden, that was in his castle. Back when Chiza ruled, the garden was open to the public, but Enoshima was selfish and took it away. 

       His expression was always blank, he had a constant poker face, which is what he thought he'd need to be a good ruler.
He huffed and took a cup off of the table. The cup was filled with sweetened green tea. Sweetened green tea was not his favorite, he found it disgusting, but him drinking it gave him one thing he lacked, interest. He was interested in why, despite not liking the tea, he drinks it so often. He often wonders if he drank it, would he like it, or would he throw up? He never experienced sickness before.

 "Kamukura." A small voice said. Not small, just quiet. Kamukura wasn't too harsh, it was hard to tell if he was angry most of the time. "Sir Kamukura, I have some," The lady stopped, to catch her breath, it appeared that she was running. "I have some news about the island."
Kamukura shifted his eyes up. To look at her. She forced a smile on her face quickly, trying to calm herself.
"We have an intruder on the island, but not to worry, the Kuzu Clan has caught him." She said, almost as if she's in a rush. "We are currently holding him in the cells." 

"There's no need for a trial." Kamukura replied. "Just throw him in the sea, same old intruders, no interests to me."

 "But, Kamukura, he says he has an offer."

"Same old offer, same old trade. I already know, Kirumi. As I've said, it's of no interest to me." He said with almost what sounded like a hint of annoyance in his tone. 

"You don't understand though, sir. He says he has something of Miss Enoshima's." She said, quieting her voice down. 


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