Chapter 24

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It took me some time to sink in the letter I just read. After I done reading it, I felt like a bucket of ice water was poured in my whole body.

When I finally realized what I'm doing, I mentally slap myself. I immediately turn back to get my cloak and quickly run out of the palace.

Most of the guards are in the main hall so I easily escape the palace.

I run so fast that I didn't care about the freezing cold air. All I think about is him. I never see him since then.

My feet is hurting as I run and the slight slippery ground didn't help at all. But that didn't let me stop.

Not long after I caught a glimpse of a man who is facing his back on me. Just by the shadow, I can completely recognize who it is.

My pace gets faster as I run to him.

I immediately wrap my arms around him, back hugging him and rest my face on his back.

"I miss you." That's all I could say

I close my eyes when I felt myself almost crying from seeing him. Not even a minute have pass that I started to sniff.


How I missed his voice.

I think he might have heard my sniffs because he held my arms that is wrapping around me. I loosen my hold as he turn around to face me, still wrapping my arms around his waist.

My head is low, not showing that I am crying.

"Wow, after a long time not seeing you, this is how you repay me?"

I slightly chuckle at his statement. I compose myself to face him.

But as I open my eyes, I suddenly spotted his black clean boots which he hasn't wear before.

I immediately recognize those kind of boots since I usually see them wearing by Nobilities.

I gasp as my head slowly going up, looking at his whole body.

"How do I look, Your highness?" He ask

"You look like... A Prince."

My hands rested on is shoulders as I still admire his looks. His hair is well combed and his clothes are so dashing.

"Mother made it for me."

I didn't mind what he said because I was so distracted on his looks. I really love his looks now. He is more handsome than those Prince I met at the ball.

I just got back from my thoughts when he took my hand from his shoulders. I look at his eyes to see his next move.

He then took my hand to his lips and kiss it like he usually does.

"Can I Take you to a dance, Your highness?"

I smile at him.

"Yes please." I said

Then, he gently took my waist that made my breath hitched. He took my hand and rested it back to his shoulders as he took my other hand to hold it.

After that, he started swaying our body. Taking steps to the sides.

"You're actually my first dance for tonight." I said, looking at his eyes

"Really? Then I'm honored."

I furrow my brows at what he just answer.

"Did someone took your first dance tonight?" I ask, curious.

His lips thin and didn't answer me back. I slightly slap his shoulders when he tried to ignore my question. He just chuckle at me.

"What's funny?" I ask

"My mother was my first dance this night. We playfully dance together when I wore this."

That made me relief.

I started to imagine some imaginary waltz to keep on his rhythm. I didn't mind our surroundings because I am so focus at this moment.

A very romantic moment. Some water crystals hanging on the trees, reflecting the moonlight that added to the beautiful atmosphere.

"You look gorgeous in that gown." He said making me blush.

"Thank you. And your mother did a great job in this suit. I really love it. You look handsome." I said to him

My fingers crawled from his shoulders to his neck and went to his hair. My fingers comb his hair, still looking at him.

"I miss you." I said


After that wonderful first dance of ours, we finally decided to take a little walk in the forest.

Both of our hands are holding, not saying anything. We just want to cherish this moment.

"Listen, Love..."

We suddenly stop under a tree and he face me. I look at his face and notice his sad expression.

"I'm really sorry about my behavior last time. I was stupid to treat you like that."

"No..." I cupped his cheeks to calm him. " It's not your fault. I understand why you act like that. And it's also my fault. I hid my background to you because I'm afraid. I love you, Jimin and I got afraid if I told you that I am a princess..."

"Shh... Love don't worry. I also understand you. We both have fault here." He said

My hands relaxed and started to loose from his cheeks.

"W-what makes you think that you wanted to meet so sudden?" I ask

He took both my hands and held it tightly while staring at them.

"My love for you is stronger than just a nobility. From now on, I vow to fight for our love. No matter what happens, I will still love you. Even if the whole kingdom is against it."

A single tear escape from my eyes when he vowed his love. I never felt this so happy.

I felt his fingers on my cheeks to wipe my tears.

"I love you too, Jimin. Love..."

A smile appear on his lips when I called him that. Then he suddenly look above us making me curious.

I followed his gaze to see a tree above us. But then I notice something hanging on one of the stems.

He return his gaze on me as I did the same.

"Mistletoe..." He whispers.

I heard about mistletoes. I read a lot about those.

My heart felt like racing waiting for his next move.

But then slowly, his face came closer to me that I felt his lips brush on mine. My body froze as I know what is going on.

Not long after, I felt his lips finally landed on mine. I didn't know what to do other than closing my eyes and tried to sync in with his lips. I wrap my hand on his neck as we shared the kiss.

My first kiss


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