1. A chance

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Kim Seong-hee stood in her balcony. The weather seemed almost perfect that day. It seemed calmer than usual. The girl leaned her body onto the railing, hair loosely falling down on her shoulders as the slightly cold breeze hit her skin.

She looked up. Intently observing the sky above her. The velvety blue sky which looked so peaceful, the half moon peaking out. Such nights were always her favourite. The stars twinkled in the sky without any worry. 

It made her feel at ease.

Being the daughter of an excessively wealthy man with a very well established company, everyone assumed her life to be living dream. She had the path to her future laid out right in front of her. Ready.

But parts of her did not want it. The publicity. Fame. Cameras constantly in her face. The way people shamelessly stared at her when she walked down the red carpet. How she never got any free time due to her busy schedules.

And most importantly, she disliked having her whole life public to everyone. She felt as if she had no privacy due to the paparazzis and news-reporters constantly spying on her.

No, she never wanted this life. That was what her father wanted. But her? She liked to appreciate the small things in the world. Like how the birds chirped, how the flowers bloomed, how snow felt against her skin.

While Seung-hee was deep in her thoughts, she heard the glass door slide open as she shifted her gaze back to see who it was. It was one of her father's assistants but also her closest friend, Hwang Min-si.

"Aren't you going to come in soon? How long are you going to stand here it's freezing cold, I feel like my fingers just turned into ice!" Min-si exclaimed.

"Then wear a jacket and enjoy the weather today." Seong-hee replied. Min-si chuckled and walked towards her friend.

Still keeping her gaze on the sky, Seong-hee spoke. "Don't you have work?"

"I do..."

She raised her eyebrows. "Then why are you here?" She asked as Min-si remained silent.

"Did father need something? You seem pretty nervous." Seong-hee looked at her and observed her as she chewed on her bottom lip uncomfortably.


Seong-hee hummed in reply. "Turn around and listen." She turned around to look at Min-si who still had the anxious expression visible on her face.

"Your father..."

"What about him?"

Min-si remained silent which started to slightly annoy Seong-hee considering the fact that she was quite impatient. "Just say it Min-si."

She sighed shortly before informing Seong-hee about the real reason why she visited her. "Your father hired another personal bodyguard for you."

The small smile Seong-hee held in her face immediately faltered.


"I said your father hired another personal bodyguard for you. He says that as a public figure you really need one. And that it is a necessity for you to have one considering the trouble around this area." Min-si explained.

Seong-hee sighed heavily in annoyance. "Again? How many bodyguards will he keep hiring for me? Another guy I'll have to try and stay away from. How tiresome." Seong-hee grumbled.

Min-si shrugged. "Hear me out. I think he hired a professional one this time. Why don't you try it out for once instead of trying to get every single one of your bodyguards fired."

"You don't even let any of them live for more than a week." She said, chuckling weakly.

Seong-hee always loved being alone and independent. Whatever amount of time she had to herself she considered a blessing.

But unfortunately, her father always hired personal bodyguards for her to protect her. And every time he did, Seong-hee would find some way to get him fired.

It was a horrible thing to do and she felt bad but she couldn't withstand the last bit of her privacy being taken away from her.

"I don't let them live? All they have tried to do is be nosy and get into my business! It's all ridiculous. I can clearly defend myself! Did I take taekwondo classes for 3 years for no reason?" She spoke firmly, anger visible in her voice.

"Hey, I think the last one was pretty innocent. Poor guy tried so hard to make you happy and he even bought you candy. You aren't giving people chances anymore Seong-ah." Min-si tried to joke to loosen up the atmosphere.

"This is a cut throat world Min-si. You either fight to survive, defend to keep standing or you simply fail. You work hard to earn chances, you can't easily be gifted with them." Seong-hee snapped.

"Buying me candies like I'm a child and which I'm not even allowed to eat due to the diets I have to be under for my father won't earn him that chance." Seong-hee concluded before stomping back to the house, frustrated.

"Go downstairs! Father is waiting for you with the bodyguard. You know what will happen if you don't listen to him." Min-si yelled from behind.

Seong-hee closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before walking downstairs as she knew that there was no disobeying her father.

. . .

It is hard to give chances so easily when all the past experiences give evidence on why we, humans, don't deserve such chances.

A chance is precious.

But a chance can ruin your life if you give it to the wrong person.


Author's note:

I have no idea how often I will be able to update this or if I ever will be able to finish it. But I hope you have a good time reading it. That is if anyone ever reads it ;-;

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