Eternity Part 1

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A/N: Hey everyone! I said that I would be back with another Dramione story, and so here it is. While it may not be a full length one, I hope you guys will still enjoy it. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next part will be out. On with the chapter!

Month One: June 1999

Draco hissed as he scratched his hand on the wall as the guards threw him inside the cell, or what was going to be his cell for eleven months now.

"Better make yourself comfortable, blondie." One of the guards, named Oscar, smirked at him. "This is your home now, after all." 

Before the ex Slytherin wizard could reply, the guards closed the door and walked away, leaving him in complete silence, surrounded by nothing but darkness.

Or perhaps, he thought, that the cell would soon be filled with those memories, regrets, nightmares, guilt and cries.

Draco could only hope that the guards won't torture him much, or perhaps if they did, then they would leave him there just like that. That they wouldn't heal him just to torture him again.

Maybe he could persuade them, or the other prisoners to beat him as much as they could, so that he could become numb

Or maybe he could somehow take a knife from anyone and bring it here discreetly, so that he wouldn't have to look at his dark mark anymore.

Because there was no way that Draco would be able to survive eleven months in Azkaban without going insane with nothing to accompany him other than the ugly thing on his arm.

But since when has there even been a moment, since he started Hogwarts, that Hermione Granger hadn't proven him wrong?

Sure enough, just as he had finished thinking that he would be completely alone for the next few months because the Wizengamot had decided that he was not going to get any visits or even letters from his family or friends, he heard someone tap the wall next to his cell.

Draco frowned when the guard threw a letter inside. There was no way the Wizengamot had allowed his family or friends to send him a letter. 

"You never know when an ex death eater, no matter their age, decides to start another war with the help of their closed ones." Had been their exact words.

And he was pretty sure that no one else would spare him a thought, let alone write a letter to him.

He scoffed when he saw who the letter was from.

Of course Hermione freaking Granger, who else?


I know perfectly well that you weren't expecting this letter from me-

Well he sure as hell wasn't. After all, they weren't even friends. Sure, they had called a truce in their eighth year after Draco had apologised for how he had treated her, and Hermione had thanked him for saving her and her friends, but that was that.

Even though they had been the Head Boy and Girl, and had shared a dormitory for nine months, they hadn't become best friends or something. They were just, well, acquaintances

-and I am glad to have shocked you, but that's besides the matter. Look, Malfoy, I swear I tried as much as I could to save you from going to Azkaban, even persuaded Harry to testify for you but the Wizengamot didn't listen to us. They said that in the trial you had before you started your eighth year at Hogwarts, they had made it perfectly clear that you will be serving your sentence after you complete your education.

And you should probably thank McGonagall for that.

Anyways, they said that they couldn't change it due to the laws, which is complete rubbish. I swear, we fought a war on prejudice, and yet some members of the Wizengamot haven't learned from that yet. 

Eternity -DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now