Chapter 8

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Mickah's POV

"hey Mickah lets go to canteen its already lunch time

Sanna texted me and asking me if where are we" Kaye said

She a forgot the time

She looked at her gucci watch

12:30 pm
We still have 30 minutes

She fixed her things and hurriedly stand up

"Oh I'm sorry Kaye I almost forgot the time " She said  to Kaye and she nod understandly

"how about Sanna??" She asked while they walked to in hallway headed in our locker and put our things and walked to canteen

Sanna will be mad for sure

"She said she wait for us after their squad meeting though I think She's already there" after she said it they saw Sanna with her Squad

She waved her hands and called us before we waved our hands

" seat here you two "  Sanna said mouthedly with big eyes

Oh trouble
We both nod and immediately line up

Sanna was Captain in volleyball and a Cheerleader
We ate together  or with her whole squad
Sanna want us to be friend  with them too

At first they are hesitant but as they know each other and talked to them

They became comfortably except for Vice Captain Roanna

She always saw her looking at her in hatred and frowned all over her face

She can't remember if she did bad things to her which she made surely not

They lined up in cashier after they picked up their food

She ordered beef steak and vegetable salad while Kaye ordered teriyake and vegetable salad

They both like the vegetable salad and always ate it every lunch

They sat next to Sanna which has already 2 vacant seat

"oh Thank God you came I thought you two won't come I almost order foods for both of you" Sanna said when they sat next to her

"I'm sorry Sanna I forgot the time If Kaye did not remind me we were still at library" She explained to her

"Well I also almost forgot too Thanks to you Sanna if you did not text and asked me we are still stucked in there" Kaye Said apoligitacally

"It's okay I'm not mad" She said that made them in relieved and started to eat

They greeted the other members Which they merely forgot and started eat and talked about their practiced

They all both laughed when they told about how many times they fell and how ugly they looked like after practiced

They ended their classes at 11:00 am since everyone was busy in upcoming Higschool competition and since Sanna was Squad Captain they were already busy since last month practicing while Mickah and Kaye was representative in quiz bee so they're all busy studying at library

"So how's your meeting and practice?" She asked Sanna while they ate

"Well it's more polished and genuinely today " Sanna says with full of excitement

" Wow that's perfect then you will win again this time and overall champion like last year" Kaye gladly and proudly said

I'm truthfully happy in Sanna's achievement though some bitches girl said bad things to her

"YES we think so" the squad say proudly

"And guess what we will also participate in basketball game" Rebecca say which one of the flyer

"Yeah Rye and Jake were there" Denise said gigledly

"Oh that great you will see your crushes again" Kaye said happily for them

They all gigled from there conversation  and she joined then atleast she also know how to gigled right

"oh and don't forget Roanna's guy JM" Denise said


OPS sorry if no LOT of Jm's in this chapter



hope you like it though


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thank you for continuosly reading it




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