3. Hush My Darling

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It's been two solid weeks since Two disappered and Gun thought he was so close to believing that he had been kidnapped.

Why you may wonder?

"I told you the seniors are all talk. Slim told me that they were even scared to lay a tiny finger on him"

Off intently listened to his gossip partner as Two rumbled on about Slim and the seniors. Clearly Gun was not interested in any of it.

He still dared to give the two some advice
"If I were you Two, I'd rather concentrate on passing Acting"

"I know my acting is bad but you have to admit that P'shane sucks", he retorted making Off burst into a laugh.

Two joined him as they mocked Shane, oblivious to the fact that karma was about to serve them a rather hot dish.

As luck would have it, Shane and Tough were just conveniently coming back from the library when they met the three.

"I remember Shane when he tried to play that military role last year", a laugh in between "he looked like a clown, especially when he kept forgetting his lines", another laugh, Two continued

Shane and Tough halted, eyes fixing on Two whose eyes at the moment met the senior's.

Shane's eyes narrowed into slits. He lounged for Two but was held back by Un

And that is how Two narrowly escaped from P'Shane.

Anyway, who would kidnap Two?.

Yes the guy did know how to take good photos but aside from that, he was a nosy talkative.

Oh yes. And he always found a way to get on someone's nerve.

Just as Gun was contemplating about calling the cops, he saw the bastard walking towards him. He was in a very colourful print shirt and shirts. He had dark sunglasses perched on his nosr and his hair looked messy like it had been ruffled by strong winds.

Gun waited patiently, watching as Two passed him by.
"Hey hod, did you lose your eyesight along with half of your brain?", he asked.

"Ow, Gun my friend. What are you doing in front of my apartment?", he imsensitively asked.

"Nothing, I just figured I should pass by and say my final goodbye to an idiot I used to call a friend"

"An idiot?. You are not perhaps talking about me....or are you?"

"Of course I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the idiot who owns this apartment and disappeared for 14 days. That isn't you my friend. Or is it?", he asked sarcastically

Two frowned.
"Gun, you're so mean"

"Thank you for noticing", he said with a smirk.

Two rolled his eyes, slipping his key into the lock and opening it. A wave of annoyance washed over him as Gun pushed past him to enter the room.

Dramatic little bitch, he thought.

He made himself at home and even accepted the beer that Two offered him.

"So what about Bone?, have you seen him?", Gun asked Two

"He went home to see his Mae and Por. His sister fell and broke her ankle"

"That bastard always keeps things to himself. He should have told us", Gun complained.

"Yeah, I'm sure he barely wore a decent shirt all the way to Phuket. I'm telling you that he probably went there without boxers"

Gun let a string of laughter

"Remind to tell him that when he gets back", He added while staring at Two

"Anyway, Off and I are done with editing our parts. You can do your part then we can decide what to do about Bone's", Gun slipped a laptop onto the coffee table while he spoke.

Two only nodded, nibbling his bottom lip slightly in worry.

"Anything wrong Two?"

"Yeah, nothing really. I'm just confused", he answered

"Want to share with a friend?"

"Actually, I am not making any progress with Lynn. You know she has a boyfriend but I have a huge crush on her. I'm always around her so it's difficult to not get frustrated some times"
Gun nodded in understanding.

"I got paid to do a Photoshoot in Bangkok last week and I don't remember clearly but I met someone. A guy. And..we talked, he seemed friendly...and cool. We got along pretty well and he told me his family lives in Thonglor. I felt attracted to him in many ways, from the tiny tattoo behind his ear to his sparkly tiny eyes, I swooned and got sapped into this mysterious abyss that surrounded him like an aura and we ended up..."

"You fucked?", Gun asked, trying not to sound surprised in the least

Two managed a tiny nod, affirming Gun's questions and then immediately beginning to feel a blush creep up his face.

"So who topped?"

"Shia Gun, is that really what is important here?", Two asked

" of course, it matters. I need to know who topped, although I have a feeling it's not gonna be you"
Two rolled his eyes, feeling naked in-front of his friends and honestly scanning their eyes for any judgement, but there was none. He heaved a slight sigh and smirked,
"Not telling ya!"

Gun huffed and raised a brow

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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