Meeting The Family

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Ceriné POV

"Salut! That means "Hi" in French. I can spit a little bit. But anyway, my name is Ceriné Angel (not angel👼) Carter. And I am fourteen years old. I currently live in Chicago. I have a brother and a sister and one friend who I love very much. I'm very uptight, attitudy, and tough. I have a charming and sweet side, sometimes. I don't do that soft shit. But I can really show off my ass when someone wants to start some bullshit. I'm only nice to those I like. I'm being nice to y'all cause I don't know y'all but when I feel you know enough about me, you'll see. I do well enough to pass in school and I don't come from much. I mean it is Chicago."

"Ceriné dinner is ready!" my mother, Toni yelled. She's a housewife. She's not strict, mean, nor do she work. She practically lets me do anything. But she keeps the little ones in check.

Come on I'll introduce you to the rest of this fucked up family. I ran down the stairs to the kitchen. "Aye stop running!" My dad Roy said.

His real name is Rodger, but we just call him Roy. He's a good guy when he wants to be. He kind of has a drinking problem. But he will do anything to keep me happy. And I love him for that.

"I didn't know you were home." Persia said rolling her eyes at me.

I swear this little girl gets on my nerves. Such a pain in the ass! But she's like a little version of me, but ten.

"Daddy can you get me that new race track?" Jaden, the youngest asked.

Jaden is full of adventures. He's five. He's smart and probably the most cutest respectful little brat ever. He gets anything he asks for. Not that I care cause so do I.

"Sure. I'll take you to go get it on Saturday after I get off work."

"YES!?" he shouted.

"Stop shouting in my house." mamma said fixing our plates.

"Sorry mommy."

"Thank God you guys didn't start dinner with out me." Alexis said barging in.

This is my ride or die right here. She's a bit older than me by two years and has the cutest baby in the world. Christian, my godson is turning 1 this coming December. He's so adorable.

"Well you made it just in time." My mother said passing everybody their plates.

"Enjoy." she said heading to the living room, while me, alexis, and the kids went up stairs to our room. Jaden has his own room, while me and Persia have to share.

"Where's my baby?" I asked Lexis.

"With his daddy." She muffled her words because it was filled with food.

"Dawm! This shit is good. Yo mamma know how to throw down on the real." she said eating another forkful of spaghetti.

"Alexis you pregnant again?" Persia asked. "

"Right. I was just about to ask the same question." She chuckled and swallowed what was in her mouth.

"Yall stupid. But nah I just haven't eaten all day. But guess what?" she said sitting her plate down on my nightstand.

"What?" Me and Asia said in unison.

"Beyoncé's in Chi-town."

"Oh I knew that." Persia said. I looked at Persia then Alexis.

"So." I said shrugging.

"So my ass. I got two tickets to the Mrs.Carter Tour." she said all excited, jumping up and down like a maniac with Persia.

They love this woman. For what reason,I don't know. I can't stand her. I hate her music, anything she's in I hate. Her name is just so annoying. It's like she's the Queen of everything. Beyoncé this, Beyoncé that. Everytime I turn around this bitch winning awards. Like GAWDDAWM!!! Can her name get a break?

These two fools over here speaking beyhive and shit.

"Hey! I don't mean to burst yall bubble or nothing but, if you bought that ticket for me, you funny. Just take Persia with you and have a jolly good time."

"Oh hello no. This is my first Beyoncé concert and I would like to share that experience with you. I don't give a fuck if you don't like her or not, your coming. Oh and I can get Persia a ticket, that's no problem." I sighed. You can't say no to this girl for nothing.


"Yes!" Persia shouted.

"Thought so!" Alexis said.

"When is it?" I asked irritated.

"This Saturday. At seven."

Wonderful today's Thursday.

"And I'm gonna get you a merchandise t-shirt to make you look like a fan. Because if the people attending this concert found out you so called "hated her", she said doing to quote on quote fingers,"You'd get jumped."

"Facts! And I wouldn't be there to help you." Persia said.

"You ain't the only one." Alexis said hi-giving her.

I sucked my teeth, "Whatever."

We'll see how this goes.

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