Chapter 8

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I looked in the mirror, staring at my own reflection. I was wearing a pair of red pants that looked insane. I had a beautiful white blouse on top of that and then a floral jacket. I had my hair in two buns on the top of my head, with the rest of my hair hanging loose. My bright red lips looked insane with my pants. I then turned around and put on my necklace before I walked down the stairs and a car was waiting for me.

For the past hours I had listened to loads of songs by the artists that would be performing. Some of them were from my family, Geografica the rock band, my father Brad Jefferson, my mother Ana Johnson, and my sister Lotus Jefferson. I also looked at the other acts and I was very excited about this. This show would be broadcasted all over the world. It would be an eight-hour long event.

After an hour long drive, I arrived at the stadium that was here and there were loads of people outside all waving towards the car. I knew that my window was darkened though so waving made no sense really. I knew that everyone was curious about me, especially after the video's that came out yesterday from Hugo and I.

When I arrived, my PA walked up to me and I smiled very widely at her. "You're a tad late, the show already started." She stated and it was the first act so I wasn't really interested by that. I walked with her and my hundred security guards up the stairs and they after a while separated. I then walked into this area and my eyes widened as I looked at the stadium. It was filled with people and there was a large stage where a singer was now performing. There were loads of large screens and on one of the screens I saw that Jason was currently talking to Hugo, and Hugo was staring ahead in his king fashion. They were all standing and I couldn't help but be amused as I saw William in the corner for the screen staring ahead bored. I walked up towards Maci whom saw me and she did a double take.

"My queen." She stammered bowing for me and I smiled very widely as the song ended of the person and the commentators then stated that Queen Julia of Locatlie had arrived and the audience went insane as I saw myself on one of those large screens. Jason then saw me and he grabbed my hand and bowed for me. I gave him a curt nod. I saw Hugo whom was visibly checking me out.

"Hey Hun." He said giving me a quick peck, his hand on my waist.

"Do I give Will a peck or?" I asked casually as I looked at him as Will was next. Hugo stared at me amused.

"You do." He said and I giggled as I then walked up to William looked at me and his eyes softened a bit.

"Hey love." He said as he gave me a quick peck. "You look dashing as ever." He said looking at me.

"All for you." I said with a wink.

"Well, that breaks my heart." Trevor said and I burst out into laughter as Will looked at Trevor with this look of 'shut the fuck up' and I giggled as I gave Trevor two pecks, grabbing his face.

"Did I miss anything?" I asked as I looked at Trevor.

"Not really. Apart from T5 being shit." He said and I giggled as I looked at the act and I moved my head to the music a bit. Maci went and stood next to me now and we talked a bit about how this was made; this had been her special project for this week and she seemed really excited by it. I knew I was on one screen the whole time and I didn't care about that.

"Babe?" Trevor said and I turned my head to look at him. "You want something to drink?" he said his hand on my back and I looked at him with the biggest smile ever and he smiled back at me with some amusement.

"Lemonade or something like that? Something cold and fresh?" I asked and he nodded as he then turned his head and his king posture came on again and he stated shit and I looked at him amused.

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