♥ One Day ♥

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" How can you love a person whom you have not seen? Who doesn't know you. even he don't know that you love him.How Y/N ??? How ?? " Irish asked me.

" The person whom I have not seen, that person taught me to live. Taught me how to love. taught me what love is."I answered her with smile.

" Ohh really, ok then tell me what is love ? " She asked.

" Love is the one that, without seeing it, without knowing it, can feel it. Realizing of he's existence. I can feel him, his breath,his smile , his giggle, his LOVE " I answered.

"You are crazy, you dont know what you are doing. Do you even know what your condition may be due to this crazyness of yours? " She yelled.

"I don't even want to know." I looked at her

" Y/N .... "

" Please Irish , The days I am alive, let me live happily. Let me be crazy .Let me be crazy in love with him, I want to be crazy. " Tears brimmed in my eyes. To hide my tears, I quickly got up from the chair and started going towards the door.

" Your heart is not so strong enough to bear so much pain Y/N , I hope you don't have to regret it later. " She said from behind.

I came out of the room not giving any answer. As soon as I came out of the hospital, tears started coming from my eyes. I put my hand on my heart. It was beating, it was beating slowly.I can feel my heartbeat. I don't think my heart is weak. Noh, never. I can handle this. I'm strong. Yes I Am . I wiped my tears and went home with taxi.



Y/N A very simple girl, lives in Hong Kong . living a simple life with her mom and dad . Only daughter of her parents . She loves her parents, And her parents also love her very much. But their daughter is going to leave them soon.

Two years ago, they knew that Y/N had a heart problem . And she is going to die soon. She can't live a normal life like others . Her heart is so weak that if any shock or pain she gets then she will die. That's why her family gives her a lot of love. They gives everything that Y/N needs. Always try to keep her happy so that they doesn't lose their daughter.

But Y / N, She is not happy even being happy. She has everything she wants . She got everything she wanted except one thing. And that is her Love , Her True LOVE . She did not know what love is, how it does , how it happens until She met him.

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