3/ Fucking bitch

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Jisungs POVI was staring out into

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Jisungs POV
I was staring out into....nothing, absolutely nothing. I didn't realise I was zoning out until the teacher called my name.

"Han Jisung are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?

I answer kinda confused

"You were crying, are you sure everything is alright?"

Mr Kim asked. I put my hands up to my cheeks. I could feel dripplits of water on my cheek. When I was zoning out, I thought about my family. Last time I saw them was when they were leaving for a vacation, I couldn't go with them, because I had school to catch up on. I was kinda behind in school and had to get extra lessons. A relative of mine had called me to inform me that my family had died in a car crash during their vacation. The relative that had called me was living in the area, where the accident had happened.

I wiped my tears with my hands

"Yea I just thought of a past event"

I said smiling assuringly to Mr Kim.

When it was lunch, me and Minho would always sit at our usual spot, being on the school's rooftop. It was actually not allowed to be up at the rooftop, but we didn't care, and nobody has ever spotted us. Today it was different though.

I was waiting for Minho on the rooftop, but when he arrived. It wasn't just him, it was a girl, not much shorter than me. She had long dark hair.

"Hi, I hope you don't mind but I bought a friend. She is new here, so I thought that I should invite her to sit with us at lunch"

Minho said with a soft smile

"Yeah, i don't mind"

I said with a sad tone in my voice and a fake smile plastered on my face. I really did mind, I was not even going to deny that, but Minho looked so happy, and I don't wanna break his smile. It's the prettiest thing in the entire world.

I eated my food in silence, just listening to them talking. I couldn't take it anymore, so I got up without saying a word. I was about to walk out of the door to the exit but Minho stopped me.

"Sungie are you okay?"

Minho asked worryingly. Well that's not the first time today, I get asked that. I was also a little flabbergasted that Minho had given me a nickname, we only used to call each other by our names.

"Yeah I'm okay"

My eyes started getting wet, and choked on my words.
Minho pulled me into a tight hug, knowing damn well that I was not okay.

"It's going to be okay, I assure you that. I'm here don't worry"

Minho said calmly. His voice was so sweet like honey. His voice is really soothing. I hugged him back.

Somebody fake coughed, interrupted our moment. We pulled away from the hug, looking to see who it was. Fucking bitch. Who does she think she is, interrupting me and Minho's moment. I gave her the death glare, hoping she would get the fuck away from Minho. I swear to god if I see her with Minho again, it won't be pretty.

"Lunch is over, we should probably go to the next class"

She said innocently.

Me and Minho both nodded in agreement, walking off.

"Hey!, wait for me guys"

She followed us. I rolled my eyes. Gladly nobody noticed. We parted way with her, because me and Minho had a class together and she had another class, thankfully.

We were walking on the sidewalk on our way home. There were small droplets on the concrete. Soon enough it started pouring down.

I swung my shoulder over Minho's shoulder, pulling him closer to me, so he wouldn't get too wet from rain. We both ran home in the pouring rain.

A/N: I hope you all enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoy writing it.

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