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Not all Idea's are mine, Friends are optional, I am not responsible for the consequences and Have fun.

1.Dress up as chickens and go to an Elementary School and start playing on the playground.

2.Order food from every restaurant in a Mall's food court and act casual.

3.When you're riding in the car, if someone's next to you roll down your window and start mooing at them.

4.Get each of your friends to hide in a mailbox and then yell things when people pass by

5.Throw cat treats at people

6.Make sentences. Each friend says one word at a time. Write them on signs and walk around with them.

7.Go up to your neighbor and say " Can I eat your dog I already ate mine" then stare.

8.Lick a potato in front of your parents and then walk away

9.Buy a pack of skittles and walk around throwing them at random people yelling "taste the rainbow!".

10.Buy a parrot. teach the parrot to say "Help! i've been turned into a parrot".

11.Take 3 eggs. Draw horrified faces on 2 and smash the other.

12.Draw a long line that says follow me on the side leading 2 something random & see if people follow.

13.Lick your friends face then yell for narnia! And slap them

14.Order a Happy Meal at McDonald's, turn it upside down, and yell at the cashier MY HAPPY MEAL'S SAD!!

15.Write a song about a Mexican banana.

16.Write a note saying "pass this on, laugh and see what the teacher does" and pass it around a class

17,Go to a buffet restaurant and see how much food you can take off other people's plates.

18.Next time you walk outside say COME TO ME LLAMAS!

19,Go outside at 2:00am and run around screaming...with a bullhorn

20.Buy a pair of XXXL sweatpants and try to see how many people you can fit into them.

21.Duct tape someone to the wall

22.Dress up as the grimm reaper and hand out candy to children

23. Start a nudist colony in public places(Daycare, School, Mall etc.)

24.Dance behind as many random people as possible without them noticing.

25. Ask someone for the number for 911

26.Go up to a random man on the street, pull out your wallet and ask, "So how much for the pants?".

27.Buy a big bag of candy and throw the candy at people in a Parade.

28.Walk up to a small child that resembles you, and tell them that you are them from the future.

29.Put a Walkie-Talkie in a gnome and shout at people when they walk by!

30.Fill water ballons with soap and water and wash your car.

31.Write your number on a helium balloon and set it free. See if anyone calls you.

32.Super glue a quarter to the floor and see how many people try to pick it up.

33.Look at see through glass and when someone is on the other side shout "OH MY GOD, I'M HIDEOUS!"

34.Put blue gatorade in a bottle of windex (fully cleaned, mind you) and drink it in public.

35.Put a slinky on an escalator.

36.Say "only on tuesdays" to every question someone asks you.

37.Go into the middle of a crowd and call out a random name and see who replies.

38.Give as many high fives at WalMart as possible. (Keep track and make high scores!)

39.Ask people on the street what year it is, and look scared when you get the answer.(Works best if you are in futuristic clothes or old clothes)

40.Point into the sky and say "look a dead bird" and see how many look.

41.When a telemarketer calls you, try to sell THEM something!

42.Put a walkie talkie in your mailbox and when the mailman comes scream.

43.Make a fort, create a constitiution and become an individual country (you may need a civil war).

44.Sit on both of your legs. When both legs go entirely numb,RUN,

45.For all the Hetalia fans out there: Jump out of a plane screaming "VODKAAAAAAAA!!!!!"

46.Slap a random person with a live fish

47.Run Directly at The Wall Between Platform Nine and Ten

48.Ring a random doorbell and when they answer just stare at them.

49.Walk into Sea World with a fishing pole.

50.Fill your mouth with whipped cream, then run down the street screaming "I HAVE RABIES".

51.Follow strangers around a store and spray everything they touch with disinfectant.

52.Find a random person on a bench, sit on their lap and say, "My mummy says I'm special."

53.Pick up a bag of sliced turkey in a store and scream "WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU!!!!!"

54.Dress up as a Gorilla and go to Walmart and buy a cartfull of bananas.

55. Dress up like a lephrecaun and run around yelling "they're after me Lucky Charms!"

56.Draw a face on an egg, put him on a wall, push him off and scream, "Humpty, NO!!!"

57.Hide in one of your cupboards and when someone opens it shout, "Welcome to Narnia!"

58.Throw a book at someone's face and say "You've been facebooked!"

59.Go to a horror movie and when everyones quiet scream as loud as you can... see who jumps.

60.Go in the street and jump on a random guys back and yell "THE SKY IS FALLING RUN MAN RUNNN!!!"

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