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I just sat there in shock when mom told me that another woman thinks that I was her real son. She thought that somehow that I was switched at birth. My mind could simply not understand it. I suppose that is a natural reaction. What would you think if someone told you that your mom and father were not your real parents? You would be like me. I was so confused and thought it was impossible. How could the hospital switch babies and send a baby home to the wrong parent?

People always said that I cry very easy and my cheeks were wet from tears as mom told me this. I only had one question and asked if she was still my mother. Mom was also in tears and said she would always be my mother. She assured me that babies switched at birth was very rare and a simple test would solve everything.

I was not worried, as I believe mom. I believed my parents were my right parents.

What mom did not tell me was that the hospital rang to her and informed her that there could have been a switch, as their records were not done properly. This made Dad angry as he was asking why this was being told 11 years later and why did they not know before the lady came. He thought the whole thing was from the twilight zone.

I read the newspaper and could read about the baby switch.

" A hospitals mistake could cause a custody case between two sets of parents. The City Hospital announced today that two babies could have been switched at birth 11 years ago. They would not clarify how long they knew this. It was only when one of the mothers asked to see the records that they did admit there could be a switch.

The mother had a son that was transgendered and lived as a girl. The child died in an accident while riding a bike.

The mother now wants custody of the child that could have been switched.

City hospital has been criticized for improper records, announcing their mistake and worse is they informed the parents of the surviving child days after they told the mother that lost her child.

This is a case similar to the Bible story of King Solomon. What will happen to the boy that two sets of parents want? What should happen?"

The newspaper article confused me so I asked Dad what it all meant. He explained that the hospital found out that they could have made a mistake and only now is revealing it. He explained that it may never have happened if the mother of the other child did not lose her child in an accident. The answer to the problem was that they could take a test to see who was my real parents. I wanted to ask Dad who I would live with, but I also knew that I did not want an answer.

I asked Dad what it meant by transgender. This made dad nearly choke and he said it was nothing I had to worry about.

The next few days were like a circus. My name was never mentioned, but it seemed like everyone at school knew that it was me. Everyone was extra kind and asking me if I would be taken away and living with some strange parents. Others asked me weird questions like was I kidnapped from the hospital or did my parents pay for me? All these questions annoyed me and I refused to answer them. The only answer that I gave was that this strange woman was not my mom. I had parents!

I could not even play football as media vans would come and these journalists would be taking pictures of me and asking what it felt like to be switched and did my parents take care of me? I covered my face. This happened a few days then Dad told me to stay home from school until the whole thing blew over.

I had to take a DNA test which was OK. The people were nice at the hospital. Mom was mad at them and at one stage, she asked them if they would also make a mess of this. I think that the hospital could have apologised a million times, but as mom says, some things have been hard to forgive.

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