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Faya helped pack up the medical stuff, despite Sky's protesting and then made a sound as he took the kit from her and placed it away. Faya grabbed her phone from her jacket, making sure it was fine and then looked up seeing Sky leaning against the frame of the bathroom door. She smiled and looked at her phone hearing it ring. 

"Excuse me." She politely said, turning away from him and placed the phone up to her ear. Sky watched curiously, seeing the look in her eye and the anger that briefly washed over her face. He only got her side of the conversation, but it wasn't enough for him to know what was happening.  Faya groaned angrily, throwing her phone down and rubbed her temples. Sky watched her hands shake, the girl bite her lip as she tried to stop her quivering lip. 

"Faya, what is it?" He asked her gently, she frowned and swiped away her tears. 

"It's nothing." She said shaking her head and rubbed her face. 

"You know, you can always talk to me." A soft, small smile formed on her lips as she nodded slightly. 

"Sorry, it's old habit." She whispered, he nodded, walking over to the girl and looked into her honey warm eyes. 

"My dad called me, telling me the Queen of Solaria is coming to the school... my family doesn't have fond memories of her and he wants me to speak with her over certain matters." Sky listened to the slight venom that filled her voice and the crack of her voice breaking as she thought about whatever is it she had to do. 

Sky almost regretted his next actions, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest and rubbed her back gently. Faya clutched onto him, tears in her eyes and she shook her head, not wanting to have to speak with the Solarian queen. 

"I'm sorry." Faya whispered into his chest, feeling stupid and embarrassed. Sky continued to gently rub her back,  placing his chin on top of her head. 

"You don't have to say, but it might make you feel better." He whispered, pulling away and looked at her with a caring look.  Faya held onto him, looking into his eyes and spoke quietly. Her voice quavering and slightly shaking. 

"He wants me to talk about going to the Solarian kingdom, they want to use me as a weapon. Put me on this 'trial' for manipulating enemies and such." She hated being a telepath, hated how people wanted to use her magic for their own gain. 

"I know he is your father and all. But if she asks, say no. You don't have to be their weapon, I'll probably end up being there too. You have a say in what you do with your magic." He swiped away her tears, standing up and grabbed a towel as well as some sweat pants. 

"You can shower if you'd like?" He offered, handing her the towel and sweat pants. Faya took them, a small smile on her lips and thanked him. He pointed to the bathroom, flopping down on his bed and listened to the door shut. 

Faya placed the towel and pants on the counter. Grabbing a small bag from her skirt pocket and placed that onto the other things. She got the shower running, stripping from her clothes and stepped into the water. She rubbed the dirt from her face, the blood from her her hair and everything else from her skin. After she was clean, she dried off, leaving the towel wrapped around her body.

In Faya's small bag, she kept a spare pair of underwear, just in case of any menstrual issues and quickly changed into it. Then placed the sweat pants and Sky's top back on. She grabbed her skirt, towel and small bag and headed out of the bathroom. Sky looked up from his phone, trying to control his thoughts as he stared at her. He found her cute, seeing her in his clothes. She looked relaxed and peaceful. 

"You can just put the towel in that basket and here's a bag for your things." She smiled and nodded, taking the bag from him and placed her things in the plastic bag. Then threw the towel into the basket. 

"Look around, I'm just gonna shower." She nodded, looking at some of the books, a grin on her lips. She sat on the bed, grabbing out her phone and a smile gracing her lips. Her eyes fell upon photos from when she was younger. A giggle escaped her lips as she watched a video of the herself as a child dancing around. She was probably about 3 maybe 4? Seeing Sky walk out, she placed her phone down and looked at him. Faya and sky spoke for a few hours, Riven not showing up which Sky was almost thankful for. Sky enjoyed speaking with Faya, she was kind, nice, funny and easy to speak to. 

Her eyes landed on a glass of water, a small smirk forming on her lips. Sky gave her a questioning look, wishing he could read her thoughts, to know what she was planning. 

"I want to show you something." She said, lifting her hand up and made a water bubble lift. She held it in front of the two and focused on a memory. She did the first time they met, but that was when Saul got them to fight for the other Specialists. 

He chuckled entertained and watched the girl focus and carefully place the water back into the glass. She turned back to him, holding her hands together and smiled at him. 

"So do you have any water fairies in your family?" He asked curiously, the girl shook her head, lightly giggling and stared at her hands. 

"No, dad says it's telekinesis and then with the memory sharing and such I can force two together. Water has memory, with magic, a mind fairy can use that theory and do what I did. Probably the only thing I can do right." She sighed and squeaked as Sky lightly flicked her. She glared at him and focused on throwing a pillow at him and gasped as it did. He playfully glared at her and threw it back at her. She laughed and squealed as he grabbed her and started tickling. 

She giggled, trying to escape, a huge grin on her lips. She could feel her belly hurt from all the laughter. Faya had tears of joy in her eyes and quickly crawled out from his hold, giggling and the two just laughed in sync.

The two talked for a little bit, calming down after their giggling fits and talked about stories from their lives. The two were sitting side by side, their legs going across the bed and Faya leaning up the wall and her head resting against the cold stone.

It was silent for a little bit, Sky looked down and saw the girl was sleeping. He smiled gently, standing up and laid her down, making sure not to wake her. He placed the blankets over her and smiled softly at her. 

The next morning, Faya woke up and realised she wasn't in her dorm. Then sighed in relief seeing Sky walk from the bathroom. 

"I didn't wake you, did I?" The girl shook her head, smiling softly at him. 

"No, you didn't." She looked at her phone and saw that it was relatively early, so only Aisha would be awake. Faya slipped out of the bed, looking at Sky apologetically. 

"Sorry I fell asleep, did you have to sleep on the ground?" She worriedly asked, feeling bad for falling asleep in his bed. 

"No, Riven didn't come in. So I slept in his bed." Faya nodded and gathered her stuff. 

"Thank you for letting me stay and lending me some clothes. I'll get them cleaned up and return them later." She said, smiling at him. He nodded, watching her walk out and smiled happily to himself. Riven walked in, a teasing look on his lips. 

"I saw Faya exit the room as I was walking here. So you did it?" He asked with a smirk, Sky shot him a look and flipped him off. Riven chuckled and grinned happily. Sky quickly made his bed and looked at Riven. 

"Why was she here then?" Sky sighed looking at him with a smile. 

"She was here because last night after we fought the burned one, I fixed up a wound and we spoke for a little bit. Then she fell asleep." Sky explained, grinning as he thought last night. Riven grinned chuckling and shook his head. 

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're blushing." Sky's eyes widened and he looked away going redder. 

"Faya's a nice person, if you do start to get feelings for her, she'd be a good match for you." Riven winked and sat down, smiling cheekily. 

Sweet Mind ~Fate: Winx Saga Sky~Where stories live. Discover now