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"You know Bangtan if I would still be there. Maybe just maybe they had come back and I'm stuck here!" I walked down the street with my puppy who I loved now beyond everything.

"And look at me now. Stuck in this other reality. Catching members as pokemon. Sometimes I think I'm crazy. I'm talking with a dog" I keep complained to my innocent puppy.

"Look Bangie! We are here!" I happily shouted, while looking at the small mochi shop. It looked simple and home warming. I pulled Bangtan with me to the shop. Hopefully, they let me with the dog.

A small bell ringed when I entered. A smell of coffee and warmth welcomed me. It was so cozy. First I didn't saw anyone but I waited for a little and a short old lady welcomed me with a big smile.

"Welcome! What can I help you?" She asked me cheerfully. Her eyes were shaped like crescent moons and her cheeks puffed. She looked like an adorable granny.

"It's okay if I'm with my puppy? And I want just to sit and relax. Maybe you want to join my company and just chat?" I asked her kindly. I didn't see him still. Maybe he is not here yet.

"You can keep this adorable puppy here of course. And I love to join. You look like a nice girl!" She said. Never I saw this energetic old person.

"I just make us a coffee and you need to try our mochi. I made them myself with my grandchild" she said walking to make drinks. "Let me help then. And I want to try these mochies."

So, we made drinks grabbed mochies, and sit down to talk. Granny was a very nice person. She told me a lot about her grandchild and his love to dance and I told her a little about my old life in another universe.

We were sitting for what looked like two hours when the shop bell ringed and I looked back to the door. Here he was. Men I looked for. He looked tired but still managed to smile at his grandma. He went and hugged her.

"Oh, Hunny meet this nice lady! She complimented our homemade mochies and she is a very pretty and interesting girl" granny said. My cheeks went rose pink to her words.

Bangtan started to bark at the guy. He petted his head and then looked up locking his eyes with mine. His eyes shined and hold the same sparkles I remember. I give him my honest smile.

"Nice to meet you! It's lovely to see my nana this happy with someone who isn't me. I'm a little jealous tho" he said cheekily. Granny smacked his hand.

"Be nice!" She mumbled. We shared a laugh. "Keep company for this lady for a bit, I need to check the kitchen quickly," she said and left us both. This was my money. It's now or never.

"Sorry, I don't have much time. And I kinda tired of telling the same thing over and over again." I said. I looked at him with a serious expression and started every talk ever when I came here.

"Now listen closely. There were seven guys, seven soul brothers. They were named the best. They meant the world for me and a lot of people. You kinda can name them as saviors as they saved not one life" I took a breath.

"They were amazing. No matter how much hate they got, they always kept their smiles. They went a lot and they showed people their hard work. I admired them. But one night, they just vanished in front of stadion of people"

He kept his attention on me. I saw how my words made their way to his head. Don't blame him, if someone would tell me this I would think they crazy. He didn't say anything, but I didn't need to hear anything either.

I pulled the letter I kept and reaching his hand I give it to him. He looked more puzzled. "What is it?" He asked, eyes still on the letter. I stood up and took the puppy in my hands.

"Jimin, you great soul. Always thinking of others. I admire your talent and your passion to dance. One day you reach your destination. I believe in you Jimin" and with that, I quickly left the shop, that I liked so much.

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