Chapter Four - Tutors and Secrets

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"Good to see you, Mr Lupin! How has your first month at Hogwarts been?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Oh, uh, good, thank you. Am I in trouble?"

Dumbledore chuckled over his glasses. "No, Mr Lupin. I invited you to my office to discuss your schooling. As I predicted, you are learning faster than your younger peers, but you are learning more rapidly than I could've hoped, which means that your classes might be hindering your academic success."

"I don't understand, sir."

Dumbledore continued on as if he hadn't heard Remus. "The ministry heard about the curious situation around you and the Sorting Hat. They have taken an interest in your studies and have allowed us to bring in an extra professor who will tutor you personally in all your classes. You will have class with Professor Cyprus on Mondays to Thursdays. On Fridays to Sundays, you will not have to attend any classes, which will give you ample time to study and practice. Is this alright with you?"

"Um, yes sir. But... I can't afford a private tutor."

"The ministry has straightened out the finances, Mr Lupin. You will report to the edge of the enchanted forest this coming Monday for class."

"The- the edge of the enchanted forest, sir?"

"Yes. Your tutor is a centaur and prefers not to have to teach indoors, unless there is rain. Will this be alright?"

"Yes sir."

"Wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing your progress, Mr Lupin. Oh and tell Mr Black I said hello." Dumbledore shooed Remus out of the room before he could question his last statement, but it did not take long to understand. Sirius was pacing outside of Dumbledore's office rather anxiously.

"Sirius!" Remus said in surprise.

"Remus, I thought you were done sneaking around. We haven't been able to find you all morning!"

"Oh, well. I just had a meeting with Dumbledore. I guess I won't be attending classes anymore."

"What does that mean?"

"They've hired a private tutor, which feels a little ridiculous and unnecessary because I've been doing fine studying on my own. I mean, the library is practically my second home."

At this, Sirius let out a laugh. Then, he started laughing harder and was soon bent over wheezing and leaning against a wall. "The library?! And all this time we thought you were off doing some badass thing! Here walks in the new kid with scuffed shoes and a cool band shirt and he's all tough and mysterious and he disappears all the time and the whole time he- you were studying at the library. It was the only place we didn't bother to check, except for last night."

Remus couldn't help but laugh at this, too. He didn't think that he came off as mysterious or tough. He always considered himself painfully awkward and rather nerdy. But here Sirius was, telling him that not only had he seemed interesting, but that they had been looking for him all month long. He wasn't sure whether to be touched or a little creeped out.

"You guys were... looking for me?"

"Of course we were," replied Sirius, as if it was the dumbest question he had ever heard. "Really, Remus, you seem so shocked that we care."

"Well, I am! I've barely spoken to the lot of you! If it's some pity thing, I don't need it," Remus said. The mood in the room shifted completely and Remus wished he could take that last part back, but he sort of meant it. Why did Sirius care? Why was he always noticing Remus? Why were they all so nice to him when he was a bit of a dick to them?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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