Chapter 3

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"So, your brother is in town?" I asked with a frown. I had never been too fond about Logan; he constantly used to pick on me and wasn't well liked among a bunch of people in this town. "Yeah, he moved back a couple months ago. It still surprises me how he and Kyle are still friends. Since he moved back only now, and despite his nastiness about this town and after that one huge fight..." My shoulders felt a bit lighter as I realized that Aidan wasn't Logan's or Kyle's biggest fan either. Surprising since they were both jerks. Brother like brother. "Beats me as well. I mean I've never been a fan of them so it kinda does surprise me more than it should." He didn't look mad, unlike he did before, so I took that as my chance to carry on. "Like Logan was always bitter towards me. When Kyle was with him, it took an even bigger turn to the worse. Barely anyone in this entire town likes them. I remember that one time that I won an award in 10th grade. One look at me standing proudly on the stage, they chose that exact moment to ridicule me. They started yelling out nasty comments and I was just standing up there, feeling so humiliated, Aidan. You have no idea, it was horrible." I shuddered and realized that I was rambling again. I could barely look at Aidan; I didn't want to see an angry expression sprouting on his face. But to my surprise, he simply just looked sad. "I..I, um, didn't know it was that bad, Ashley. I'm sorry, I guess," he said quietly, not meeting my eyes.. I straightened up and let my frown turn into a slight smile."Not your fault," I said simply. "There's nothing you could've done and that's in the past anyway, like you love to say. Now I believe that we have a certain appointment to attend. Come on Aidan, let's go rock this interview." I was relieved when I saw a small smile, an almost genuine looking one, break out on his face. "Yes, ma'am," he broke in with a snort. We walked and walked until we finally reached a small house at the edge of town. "That's where your brother lives? Or is this Kyle's house?" "It's my brother's actually", he replied. "I thought we might start off here. I mean they're super close: like two peas in a pod." Like we used to be, I almost said out loud. We rang the doorbell and stood waiting. Waiting and waiting...The bell was rung a second and a third time but nobody answered. Aidan whistled under his breath, "Well, we might as well go to Kyle's house and check since it appears that nobody's home". I nodded in agreement but as we started walking away, I thought I saw a flutter of the curtain. I grabbed Aidan's sleeve, but after realizing what I did, I pulled away. "Aidan! I swear I saw the curtain move. I bet Logan's ignoring us for a reason!" He frowned at this with a simple "Guess so." Ten minutes later, we found ourselves on the other side of town; where the beach mansions were. My eyes widened at the sight of the houses. "Big" is an understatement. They were giant: floor-to-ceiling windows all around, fancy cars in the driveways and delicate flowers were planted in the well-maintained lawns. Eyebrows raised, I spoke up. "I almost forgot how rich Kyle's family was. He just shrugged, "Yeah, I guess." Guess he was used to more luxury since he lived in New York City. We climbed the endless stairs and stood on the porch. Hands shaking, I quickly rang the doorbell. We waited and waited until finally...the door swung open revealing Kyle's scowl. "Um, what the hell are you guys doing here?" I looked at Aidan with my eyebrows raised up to my hairline. "Oh you know, we just decided to stop by and say hi-" "Cut the crap", he snapped. "What do you want?" This was Aidan's cue to step in. "We wanted to let you know personally that Olivia is in a coma." Kyle sputtered, "Excuse me?" "You heard him right", I said, stepping forward confidently. "Your ex girlfriend, Olivia Dean, is in a coma after nearly being murdered." I put an emphasis on ex, hoping to spark some reaction from him. He looked me straight in the eyes, and glared. "Who the fuck do you think you are, coming to my house to talk about my ex being in a coma, that same ex who broke up with me?" Aidan glared at him and said, "Don't you dare talk to her that way. We're here to ask you where you were this morning and if you had anything to do with Olivia's incident." I looked at him, shocked about the change in his attitude. So Aidan can be nice... "I don't have to answer any questions from you kids," he sneered, "I don't care what the hell happened to Olivia, and I don't need to answer to you idiots!" With that, he slammed the damn door in our faces. Well that went well... 

Chapter 3 is complete, sorry it's a bit short!

I will try and make the next one longer!

So what did you guys think of the shift in Aidan's attitude?

And do you think that Kyle was acting quite suspicious ?

Stay tuned for the next chapter, but I'm probably done for the day!

Keep dreaming, dreamers!


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