three, fuck the ministry

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"when you are young, they assume you know nothing."
━━━TAYLOR SWIFT, cardigan.

August 1993,

          A month has passed by. A month Ariel was alone, but she didn't care. She was excited to go back to Hogwarts - her home. She spent a whole month smoking cigarettes under the sunsets, the smell passing off onto her leather jacket. A slight smirk permanently painted on her face, her eyebrows basically yelling out "sarcasm", Her sneakers filthy, but they still were functional. Her now bubblegum hair so filthy that most of the time, she couldn't tell whether it was greasy or wet.

A nasty shudder runs down the girl's spine, greasy hair in general just reminding her of Severus Snape.

Despite currently living in the cheapest room in the Leaky Caldron, that still didn't stop her from trying to live the rest of her summer happily. 'Course, it hadn't been too bad.

She would skip out onto the streets of Diagon Alley bright earlier in the morning, so early that birds weren't even chirping yet, and the nice man named "Tom" who owned the Leaky Caldron wasn't even awake yet.

A week after leaving the Wilson's, she found a stray, shaggy, big black dog. It was a comfort to her to see that she wasn't the only one alone. The dog was kind as if it understood her, feeling her rainbow of emotions. His paw would lay on her leg as she laughed and talked to it as if it was a companion, a friend. Butterflies would flutter onto her hand, as if they trusted her. And the dog would star at her, his large, grey eyes shining almost happily? But full of sadness, like she reminded the dog of something or rather - someone else.

She rambles to the dog how much people now fear her for her father's actions, tears falling loosely on her leather jacket as Ariel would stroke the thick, black fur. She didn't ask to be naked with the surname "Black", she didn't ask to be her father's daughter. And that's true - She's only Ariel, none of the crappy, sappy, fancy Black shit. But then, the tears stop forming. She forces herself to be strong, "I do not cry, I am not weak. I will hold my head high, no matter the pain." She has to face the terror, because believe or not, she can't push away her problems. They will build up more and more and more until she explodes. And then what would be left of her? A sad, broken fucking mess. She wants to scream, but she forces her head to stay underwater.

And she said just that to the black dog.

The dog would only whine, the whine coming out as broken and hurt, as if it felt her emotions. She wants to keep the dog, hugging and clinging onto it forever, but that's selfish.

She can't keep something that isn't hers, just like she can't hold promises that she knows she won't ever keep.

Ariel forces her tears in, bottling them up, keeping them there in her heart until she can't take it anymore. She would turn into a sobbing mess that would scare away butterflies that were usually near her, hovering above her. The dog didn't leave, it would stay and try to rub its paw up and down her arm until she stopped crying. It's usual shining, beautiful eyes would turn dull and full of sadness. So much like her own that it hurts to see an animal feel the same pain as she did.

Her fists would clench angrily whenever she sees Mr. Wilson's large owl fly towards her weekly, sending her money so she would at least survive and so he wouldn't ruin his own name.

𝗱𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗻𝘁, luna lovegood Where stories live. Discover now