The Strings To My Heart

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I mean I guess I could tell you the story. I wouldn't say it's overly too interesting.

Okay so how would I start this?

From the beginning? Yeah that's a good place.

It started with the day Fundy left. It felt like a stab in the back. Wilbur got a new job back home in England and moved back. It just felt... sad I guess. Fundy and I started the band, he made the colour schemes and booked our venues. I learnt the guitar while he  learnt how to sing. Fundy even invited Bad. He's the backbone of our band.

Sapnap would say I took the loss the hardest but Sapnap was the one who tried to cause a fire to stop the plane from taking off. Thankfully Bad learnt all of Fundy's tricks but we were still out of a lead singer.

That then leads us to the day we met George. We practiced in a rented Dance studio since our equipment had outgrown Sapnap's parents basement. Sapnap told us he had a surprise for us all and that he was going to be an hour late. That day I had just polished the green painted wood on my Guitar so it shone a little bit brighter than the weekend before. Bad was trying to teach me a new song he had written. I remember because he was struggling so much with the lyrics, calling skeppy 100 times over to see if their conversations could spark anything like it usually did. He wanted it to be a love song but he couldn't get the feelings correct. It was really funny to watch.

The music he wrote was hypnotising though. It wasn't finished yet. He said he just wanted me to play it to see if he got a tune from it.

C C Am Am C C Am Am F G C


The chords were so simple. It's what made me love them. I let my fingers stroke the steel strings, pressing them against the wooden fretboard of my guitar. Power the electricity practically shocking the ends of my fingers as I began to play the chords. Notes flying out of the speakers in a hesitant string of rock. I remember seeing Bad look up from his notes to watch me play as I stood up from the chair I was in.

The chords I had just read playing in a loop in my head, sending my fingers to dance along the strings.

C C Am Am C C Am Am F G C


I let my eyes shut as I started to think of the song.

Dum dum dum dum dum

The music swam around my ears as the notes I played looped over and over. Verse then chorus, verse then chorus. I got more confident and started to have fun. The song got faster, just a little bit, keeping its steady beat. I missed Bad walking around me, just getting swallowed by the music. Tapping my foot and nodding along to the beat. The speaker thudding against the hardwood floor at every chord change. My hands gripped the guitar, sliding up and down each bend and lump. Smiles pulling at my cheeks, the first since Fundy left. I hopped and bounced about slightly as I started getting closer to the end of the song. Gripping my white smile face pic until my fingers turned white. Tip toeing over the chords and leads, I danced my heart out, pouring every jarred up emotion into the strings.

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