A Family Affair

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Roza looked so nervous when my entire family met us at the airport. Leave it to Yeva to spoil the surprise, but then again, I should have known she would already know. She knows everything. I would have to ask Yeva later about what she said to Roza about she has been waiting for her, I will ask her when we are alone.

The drive home was uneventful. I keep sneaking glances at Roza in the rear view mirror. She sat in the very back of the van on Viktoria's persistence. Viktoria took to Roza like they had been friends all their lives. It was nice to see Roza start to relax.

Yeva persisted that I drive the van back to Baia and that she wanted to sit up front, instead of the middle seat that she usually occupied when going for drives. Momma sat in the middle seats with Karolina and Sonya (my sister, not my friend Sonya). Paul had taken to Roza and had fell asleep with his head in her lap. She was brushing his hair absent-minded, while talking to Viktoria. She melts my heart.

When we pulled into the drive way Momma said, "Dimka, Rose...You both must be hungry after the long flight. I will start fixing something for supper."

"I can never turn your cooking down you like some help?", I asked as I kissed her cheek.

"No, Dimka thats ok. You and Rose just relax and enjoy yourselves." She replied with a smile.

"Momma, can I actually borrow the van? I want to take Roza to the store, she forgot to pack somethings and needs to pick them up." I looked at Roza and she blushed a bit. I don't think anyone seen her do it. She was remembering what she forgot.

"Sure Dimka. There is a few things that I need anyways. Would you mind picking them up for me?"

"No problem Momma. I will just put our luggage in our room while you make the list."

After a few minutes Roza and I were back in the van and were headed for the town center where all the shops were. The first shop that we stopped at was a shop that sold clothes, since Roza forgot to pack her underwear.

We were walking around the store looking for the underwear. I noticed Roza had a frown on her face. "Roza, are you ok?"

"It's just...I don't understand any of these signs and I have no clue what direction the underwear are in.", she replied with a lost look that over came her face.

I took our intertwined hands and kissed the back of her's, then lead her in the right direction.

"Roza, I'm sorry. I should have realized that all the signs are in russian.", I said apologizing, kissing the top of her head.

We soon found what she was looking for and headed for the cash, then onto the grocery store for the items Momma wanted. When I looked at the list I noticed it was all the ingredients for black bread.

"Looks like Momma is making black bread. You may like mine, but her black bread is beyond this world. I can never get mine to even come close to what her's tastes like. It just melts in your mouth." I said licking my lips.

We gathered all the things that Momma needed and headed back to the house. On the way home I showed Roza some of the places that I frequented growing up. I showed her where Mikhail and I got caught drinking by Momma just after the green thong incident. "She never raised her voice or anything at us." I told her. "She told Mikhail to go home and we walked home. She never said a word all the way home. I asked her what my punishment was and she said my punishment was knowing how much I disappointed her. The guilt knowing how much I hurt her was enough for my punishment." I said with a frown on my face. My punishment for that day is forever, I will never forgive myself for hurting Momma that way.

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