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sexual content ;)!!!!
today was pretty chill, didn't really do anything. my restaurant was closed because of this shitty weather. me and brian and sal are still meeting up. brian made me breakfast this morning before i came to work to just clean up and fix everything. i went home at 7 to put an outfit on and relax. i walked in and saw brian cleaning. "brian don't do thattt!" "cmon babe please!" "finee!" i kissed his cheek and started getting ready. i hopped in the shower and i heard noises in the bathroom. "BOO!" "oh my god brian!!" i yelled while covering up. "HAH!" "oh my god, you got your clothes wet!" "oh well." he hopped in and started stripping, which of course i didn't stop him. he finally got to his boxers, which were soaking wet. i could see a bulge. he pulled his boxers down and tossed them out. i took my towel off slowly and finally threw it out. brian froze with his eyes wide open. "what, you haven't seen a naked female before, i highly doubt it." he stuttered over his words and i got closer to him. "don't worry baby." i said while my chest got closer to him. my breast pushed up against his chest. he started breathing heavily. suddenly i got ringing from my phone. he sighed loudly while i answered. "hello." "hi y/n." "hi sal." "are you showering?!" "yes, what's up?" "i'm sorry for yesterday, i was trying to be cool, i'm sorry." "it's perfectly fine sal, don't do it again, i care for you and brian." "okay thank you, i'll see you at nine." "okay bye." i sighed and put my phone on the counter. "i love you." "i love you too bri." i said with a slight smile. he got some shampoo on his hands and started washing my hair while we made out. when we finished our shower we stepped out and got dressed. it was around 830. i put on a short red dress with black heels and he put on jeans and a dressy shirt. "come on y/n." "i'm coming."
we finally arrived at the restaurant to see sal sitting at a table. "hey sal." "hey bri." "hi sal." "hi y/n." "sal, you know i love you a lot, and you're a good guy, and brian, i love you so much and i care about both of you but i pick, uh, i pick sal." "what?!" "WHAT?!" "im so sorry brian." "y/n, it's okay, i love you." "i love you too brian." "y/n, can we go to the back and talk please?" "actually guys i'm gonna leave, i'll see you tomorrow." "i'm so sorry brian, can i walk you out." "no it's okay, thank you." "bye brian." "bye." "y/n." "yes sal." "i love you, but you made the wrong decision." "i know i did." "why'd you pick me?" "because ever since i saw you, i loved you and making out with you was so amazing, but brian, he's such a good guy and i really wish i picked him." "it's never to late babe." "thank you sal, i'm sorry, i love you,  i have to go get brian." "i'll drive you." "oh yeah i don't have a car, okay thanks. we ran out the door and drive to brian's house. i knocked on his door repeatedly until he answered. his eyes were really puffy and red. "y/n what are you-" i kissed him, i kissed him passionately and i wrapped my arms around his neck. "but but, didn't you pick sal??" "i made the wrong decision." he smiled and nodded. sal came up behind us. "brian, i told her she made the wrong decisions, i love her so much and i want you guys to be happy." "sal??" "sup bri?" "why don't you come inside, let's talk this over." we walked inside his house and benjamin jumped onto my lap. "sal, we both love her, i think we know what to do." "we sure do." "what??" i said. "y/n, how do you feel, about, uh, being with both of us??" "like a threesome couple haha!" i said jokingly. "mhm." "oh your serious?" "yes." "yes." "oh uh, we can try it, sure yeah." "are you sure?" "yep." "alright it's settled. i stood up and went to sal, i kissed him straight on the lips then i left lipstick on his lips. then i went to brian and kissed his lips and obviously, left lipstick on his lips. "bye boys." i waved while walking out the door, i called an uber. "y/n!" "yes bri?" "come here" i walked over and he grabbed me by the waist and made out with me, it felt good, for the first time in forever, i was genuinely peaceful. "how about i drive you home sweetheart?" "okay." i nodded with a smile. "bye y/n, bye bri!" "bye sal!" "bye hun!" i got into brian's car and smiled. "what's up?" "i really like you and i'm glad we made this decision." "me too." "i really couldn't make up my mind." "i know sweetheart but everything's okay now." "thank you bri." he nodded and pulled up to my house. "here ya go pretty lady." "thank bri, i'll see you later?" "sure." he smiled. i waved goodbye and got inside. i put on my pajamas and passed out.

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