An alternate ending

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Type: angst I suppose.

Cal's POV
Cal: my whole body was trembling as I watched Momiji's body drop to the floor. I killed her. Sets laughter rang in my ears. The other four were silent. Inmo, probably because he was kinda mute anyways and the other three, sad, disappointed probably. I looked to my hands. The dagger still clenched in my fist, momiji's blood staining it's shining steel. 'It's a really pretty sight.....' I thought. 'No Cal, snap out of it. You killed Momiji. That's a bad thing, don't let Set break you.' I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 'This kinda feels good...' 'No, stop it. This is horrible.'

Set: "Come along Cal. We must be going."

Cal: I slowly nodded in response to Set before he teleported us back to the cave.

Cal: I was sitting on the ground of the cave. Set hadn't spoken to me since we came back. I'm trying so hard to fight against this darkness. Every time a dark thought cross's my mind I quickly snap myself out of it only for another thought to replace it. I don't know how much longer I can endure.

Set: "Oh Cal~~"

Cal: I jumped at the unexpected words from Set. He was now looking at me, a curious look on his face.

Cal: "Y-yes?"

Cal: He smirked. He stepped closer to me. He towered over me as I was sat on the ground, it was quite intimidating.

Set: "Just your doing after that~"

Cal: I shivered. A chill running down my
spine, but also...a comfort. I didn't feel scared like I was before. I felt at ease. 'Why am I feeling this?' 'I can't. I can't hold on anymore.'

Set: "Cal~ answer me Cal.."

Cal: "I-I don't kn-know."

Cal: My head was pounding. So many thoughts raced through my head. 'What's happening.' I'm so caught up in my own thoughts I fail to take notice of Set circling around me.

Set's POV
Set: 'It worked.' I thought as I circled Cal. He was breaking down. This is exactly what I wanted to happen. This was perfect. Once he crosses over to the darkside I'll have the power of time on my side. He'll willingly be my puppet. A doll I can play with that will bend to my will. He's so close to turning. I just have to push a few more buttons.

Cal's POV
Set: "Cal~ stop fighting it Cal. Give in to the darkness."

Cal: 'Give in...?' It sounded so nice. To just let go. 'I wouldn't have to feel this pain anymore....' 'No, don't give in.' Everything hurts.

Set: "Come on Cal. Join me and I can show you a whole new view, I can open your eyes to the world Cal."

Cal: 'No. no. No.' I started to pull at my teal hair. It glowed in the darkness of the cave.

Set: "What is it you want? What do you desire, Cal? I can give it to you."

Cal: 'What do I desire? I know.'

Cal: "I-I just want this pain to go away. Please just take it away."

Cal: Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. My vision started to blur.

Set: "Oh, you can do that yourself...all you have to do is give in...and you'll never feel this pain again.."

Cal: My breath hitched.

Cal: "A-all I have to do I-is give in...?"

Set: "That's right..."

Cal: I hadn't even realized he was behind me but I became aware of it when he set his hand on my shoulder. I was caught off guard when he pressed his hand to my back and started rubbing circles. It felt nice, I started to relax at the touch. Normally I would be on guard if Set did this but at this moment I only felt gratitude for the god.


Cal: Soon enough I had completely relaxed. My head was clear and I was now leaning against Set as he ran his hands through my hair.

Set: "How are you feeling Cal?~"

Cal: His voice was so nice...

Cal: "Good...."

Cal: So some reason Set seemed to find my response amusing since he chuckled.

Cal: "Set...?"

Set: "hm?"

Cal: I thought through my question.

Cal: "How do I...give in like you said?"

Cal: I could tell he was smirking despite being unable to see his face.

Set: "Just do as I say....."

Cal: I nodded in response, awaiting his instructions.

Set: "Just push all thoughts of good from your mind. Forget about being don't want that."

Cal: I followed his instructions as best I could. I pushed the thoughts that came to mind.

Set: "Now....this I will have to help with...I will recite a spell. Do not resist it..just let it do it's work."

Cal: "o-ok.."

Cal: He started to speak in a strange language that I couldn't understand. A strange feeling flowed through my body. It felt nice. I was so tired....

~To Be Continued~

Part 2?

Also sorry for not updating this book. I am still taking requests tho.

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