ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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(Y/N)'s POV

I opened my eyes and was met by a traditional-looking ceiling. Where am I? This isn't my room nor my grandma's hospital room. I sat up and looked around. The room looked like those traditional Japanese rooms in the history books. I noticed that I was laying on a futon and my clothes changed. I don't own these types of clothes. They're too traditional for me. Then it hit me. Oh god. That wasn't a dream? Is it actually 1912 right now? Did I time travel? I was busy panicking when the door opened, revealing a woman with black hair that fades to purple styled with a butterfly ornament at the back.

"Ara, ara. I see you're awake now (L/N)-san. My name is Shinobu Kocho." the woman said. "Where am I Kocho-san?" I asked. "You're at the Flame Hashira's estate dear," she replied. "Flame Hashira? Do you mean Rengoku-san?" I asked. I mean he did say he would bring me to his estate. "Yes. He told me everything. Is it really true that you come from the year xxxx? And that there are, what do you call them? Quirks?" I nodded. "Umm, Kocho-san, do you know where Rengoku-san is?" I asked. "He's training outside. Don't overexert yourself too much. You've been through a lot in a short amount of time." she replied. I nodded. She walked out of the room. I examined the room for a while before going to find Rengoku-san. I went outside and saw him training with his sword. He seemed to know I was there because he turned to me and stopped training.

"Ahh, hello (L/N)-san. How are you feeling?" he asked. "I'm feeling better now. Thank you Rengoku-san. What were you doing just now?" I asked. "I was perfecting my sword techniques," he replied. "Hey, Rengoku-san, can you tell me more about those demons?" I asked. "Of course. Demons are creatures who eat humans. They have abnormal physical capabilities and can regenerate wounds and missing limbs with ease. The more humans they eat, the stronger they become. Some even develop Blood Demon Arts which are supernatural abilities unique to each demon." he explained.

"So just like my quirk?" he nodded. "Well if they regenerate, how do you kill them?" I asked. "Sunlight is deadly to demons, that is why they only come out at night. Only our nichirin blades are effective weapons against the demons. But to kill a demon, you need to cut off its neck. They also hate Wisteria flowers because they are poisonous to them." I nodded. "Where do they even come from? Did they just appear out of nowhere?" I asked, curious about where these malevolent creatures came from. "They were once human. But once they turned into demons, they forget their human memories. The first demon, Kibutsuji Muzan, created other demons by using his blood. When a human is exposed to demon blood, they become a demon too."

"Wait, so they were humans too?" I asked, slightly shocked. "Yes, but we cannot save them anymore. The only way to save them is to kill them and hope they do not turn into a demon in their next life." he replied. I nodded, slightly sad at the fate these people had to go through. "But, Rengoku-san, if they possess abnormal physical abilities, how are humans able to keep up with them?" 

"That is why we use Breathing Styles. Breathing Styles make use of specific and concentrated breath patterns, which increase the user's lung capacity and amount of oxygen in the blood. This increase of oxygen allows the user to enhance their physical abilities and mental concentration, allowing them to fight on par with demons, whose physical prowess surpasses that of the average human." "Ohh. Well, do you demon slayers form an organization or do you just pop up randomly and kill any demon you encounter?" I asked.

"We are called the Demon Slayer Corps. Our leader is Kagaya Ubuyashiki. We have 10 different ranks, the lowest being Mizunoto and the highest being Kinoe." he replied. "Oh, okay. But Kocho-san called you the Flame Hashira earlier. What is that?" I asked. "The Hashira is a group that consists of the most powerful combatants in the Demon Slayer Corps. We are the most highly ranked members, second only to the leader." I was speechless. I was talking with one of the most powerful demon slayers.

"Caw, caw! Investigate Mt. [name]! Multiple people have gone missing! Caw, caw!" a crow landed on Rengoku-san's arm. I stared at it, not really used to seeing a talking bird. "Well, I have to go (L/N)-san." he waved. I waved back. And then he went off. I decided to look around his estate, trying to familiarize myself with my surroundings. After exploring quite a bit, I just went outside and layed down under a tree. I looked up at the sky, just watching the clouds pass by. Hints of purple were seen in my peripheral vision due to the Wisteria surrounding the estate. I sighed. What happened to my life.

If I'm here, what's gonna happen to Granny now? Who will take care of her? I just wanted to be a hero so I can give Granny a comfortable life but then I'm taken to the past with man-eating demons. This was not what I planned to encounter this school year. Villains would be much more reasonable but nooo... it had to be man-eating demons. Well, I am trying to be a hero. Maybe this can be a learning experience. Well, assuming I can go back. Yeah, a good hero learns to adapt. I just let out a huge sigh. At least someone is giving me a place to stay, and free food, and clothes and other necessities, and ughh. I must be such a burden right now. I covered my face with my hands and breathed out harshly. What can I do to repay Rengoku-san?

I sat up, trying to think of things that I can do to repay his kindness. My eyes landed on a wooden sword propped up on the side of a nearby tree. It won't hurt to try right? I stood up and walked to the wooden sword. I picked it up and gave it a few swings, trying to get the hang of it. Then it hit me. I could become a demon slayer. I mean, a hero and a demon slayer are practically the same right? Both save people and defeat enemies. One more violent because you have to kill the enemy but hey, experience! And if I become a demon slayer, I can travel around to find ways to go back home. And I'm also helping Rengoku-san and some others reach their goal. Yes, that would be perfect!

I swung the wooden sword back and forth. "(L/N)-san!" "Gaaah!" I dropped the wooden sword and turned around to see Rengoku-san. "Oh, Rengoku-san, you're back already?" "Yes. The demon was easy to kill. It only had an annoying Blood Demon Art." he said. "Umm, Rengoku-san, can you, umm... canyoumaybetrainmetobecomeademonslayer?! It's just that I feel like I'm burdening you by not doing anything, and I want to help you and other demon slayers achieve your goal! And I was planning to become a hero anyways before coming here so yeah!" I rambled. "Sure! You can be my tsuguko (L/N)," he replied.

I looked up at him with wide eyes. "Thank you very much! I promise to do my best and become a great demon slayer! And you can call me (Y/N) Rengoku-san!" "Okay (Y/N)!


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