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Billie's P.O.V

I'm currently making breakfast which is pancakes that ilomilo was dying to cook.

ilomilo: mom can I have two pancakes please

Billie: sure bub

She similes and put pancake mix on the pan and started to cook it.

I kissed her head and went into the livingroom and picked up lily.

Lily: ahejqkd

She said in baby talk and I laughed and kissed her head.

Billie: hiii my love

Lily: milk

Awe she said her first word my heart just melted.

Billie: awee baby your so cute

She started whining and tugged on my shirt wanting breastmilk.

I sat down on the couch and pulled my shirt down and held lily close to my chest and she latched on.

ilomilo walked In the room and sat down next to me.

ilomilo: can we go to the beach today mom

Billie: of course you wanna go get dressed after your done eating

ilomilo: yeah

She layed her head on my shoulder and ate her pancakes.

Once lily was done eating I burped her and changed her into a cute swimsuit.

Billie: awe you look so beautiful baby

I say smiling and ilomilo walked out of her room In her swimsuit.

ilomilo: you like my swimsuit mom

Billie: aweeee you both look to cute to handle hold on I'm gonna take a picture

ilomilo: mommmm

Time skip to the beach

ilomilos P.O.V

Once my mom was done takeing her photos we drove to the beach.

Billie: bub you and lily can stay right there but please don't go anywhere else

I nodded and picked up lily and walked towards the spot where mom pointed at.

Which was some what close to the ocean.

Lily crawls out of my arms and plays with the sand while I look at the ocean.

But I keep a close eye on lily just in case she disappears.

I feel someone sit next to me and my body turned around.

ilomilo: Oliver

He similes and nodded and I gasped and hugged him.

I'm sorry for avoiding you

I'm sorry for scaring you I can't control my parsite at all

I know how to get rid of it

Wait really how

Well I work for O so I know my ways

Wait you work f-for O

Oliver disappeared and turned into O

O: well well look what we got here

A/n cliff hanger because I'm about to go sleep 👩🏽‍🦯

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A/n cliff hanger because I'm about to go sleep 👩🏽‍🦯

Words 408

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