Chapter 4

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Nero looked at his new devil breaker arm which had been replaced with a prosthetic as he tinkered with the robotic arm's mechanism.

"Hey! Don't mess with it, you might break it." Said Nico.

"Just seeing how it works."

"If you break it, you're paying double." She said.

"Back to our original topic, I have recruited us additional help, Her name is Raven Branwen."

"Whoa, The outlaw?" Asked Nero.

"Yes, she was the only person strong enough that I can find on such a short notice." He said, "If given enough motivation she could be riled up, and I have done so, she will not harm any of us, probably."


"If you do encounter her on the way to Urizen's throne room, stay out of her way." He said.

"and once again V refuses to answer questions."

Nero sighed before asking "anything else?"

"We should split up, that way we should cover more ground and eliminate the Qliphoth roots, if I don't see you on the way there."

V's voice ringed in Nero's head, as he eliminated a Qliphoth root.

He was quickly thrown out of his thoughts when he made his way though a building and in one of the windows he spotted a woman in the distance, weaving through enemies eliminating them with such elegance and skill.

From what he could see, she had long, black bushy hair, a dress of black and red wearing this grimm-like mask, after she flicked her sword, she sheathed it, making sure the blade was still sharp.

Before she walked out of view.

"That's her, huh? She's ... Interesting." His left eyebrow raised on that last word.

Making a mental note of her, he moved. on his way to the nearest Qliphoth root.

His mind wandering back to that day, that day when his arm had been torn from his body.

But what hurt him the most was the cries of Kyrie, his wife.

Even in his state he had heard her cries for Sparda, she still sticks to her faith even after the revelation of his bloodline, going off topic, ever since Dante told him and Kyrie his heritage, she's become more... Seductive towards him which did not fit her at all and she just ended up looking campy and weird, which he'd laugh to.

He jumped down to a clearing to see a payphone that clearly still worked, he walked to the payphone and called Nico, after their call, the sounds of combat had gone closer before suddenly going silent.

"Hello?" Nero asked.

Multiple slashes cut through a brick wall and it was not long before said brick wall had collapsed to reveal Raven Branwen, her crimson eyes slightly visible through her mask, her black bushy hair danced in the wind, her sword unsheathed and it's blade was cracked.

She was essentially overflowing with magic and Nero could feel it, it wasn't Angelic, not certainly Demonic and not even human magic, it was... ancient, more ancient that what he felt in Fortuna City when he and Dante defeated The Saviour, and it felt her power was raw.

She walked closer and closer, the magic getting stronger with each step, but something about her was familiar, it reminded him of someone.

"Who are you?" She asked him, her voice had this maturity to it but also caution.

"Nero. V hired me." He replied, "Do you know anything about him?"

"No, I'm afraid I do not." She said

"I thought so."

"Are you a colleague of Dante Sparda?"

"I guess you could say that." He said.

"Leave." She said.

"What?" He said, his arms tightening.

"You are no match for Urizen, Your... Colleague, was defeated by him, You only hold me back, You are only dead weight."

His eyes widened, it was taking all of his strength to prevent himself from attacking her.

"Deadweight? I LOST AN ARM!" he shouted at her motioning his robotic left arm. "You have no right to say that, Branwen. My only relative is missing, my family in fortuna and millions of people are going to be turned into Qliphoth pollen if I don't stop Urizen, I fight to protect my family and the people who'll suffer because of this tree, while you only fight for money, or whatever V paid you, from what I see I have a lot at stake here and you don't."

Raven was, surprised, perhaps he'd work as something to weaken Urizen with perhaps that was V's plan all along, that man was truly an enigma

She was about to respond, an RV drove through a concrete wall with no scratches on it.

"Hey!" Out popped nico from the driver's window "who's the grimm mask lady?"

"Raven Branwen." Nero replied.

"Well, there's no root for miles, she better get in."

Nero looked to Raven Branwen before sighing.

"You can use the R.V to rest up, Nico can repair your weapons, but you're going to have to pay for it." He said before walking to the van.

Raven looked to Omen and her eyes widened, they were on the verge of breaking, she expected it to break but not this soon, she had no choice.

"Chop! Chop! I don't wanna drive on slippery roads." Nico said.

"Yeah, Yeah." Said Nero.

Raven wanted to go find another blacksmith in this city, was there even another blacksmith? She has never seen another human ever since she entered Red Grave except for the occasional survivor running like crazy towards the outskirts of town.

She didn't know anymore.

She rested her head on her arm as she closed her eyes, remembering a much simpler time.


"Is that all you've got?!" Shouted Dante at the Beowulf.

"Tony, it's an animal, it's weak, it has no motivation other than to feed." Said (F/N)

"Kinda like your only motivation at this time is impressing Raven Branwen." Said Dante with a smug look.

"That is uncalled for." He said as he dashed forward towards the next unfortunate Grimm, slashing it open with Yamato "And you have no proof of that what so ever."

"Last Week? Earlier today?"

"... coincidence."

"Yeah, sure whatever you say 'Nelo', and I'm pretty sure dad did the same."

Raven descended from the trees, looking directly at (F/N).

"Grimm are headed this way, get a move on." She said in a cold tone.

"Yes." Replied (F/N) in an equally cold tone.

Dante finished off the last of the Grimm  horde they were dealing with and he turned around to see, Raven trying to look away from (F/N) and fidgeting in place, while (F/N) burying his nose into that book of his, red-faced.

Dante looked at the two with his arms out and a disappointed look. As if to say 'What the hell is this?'

"Why can't the both of you see it?!" He shouted at them.

"What?" The both of them asked at the same time, then looking at each other, red-faced before looking away again.

"You two are hopeless." Before Sighing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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