Lie To Me (completed - general)

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Part 1 -

*Toms POV*

She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

I gawped at her as Jay led her into our apartment, “Guys… This is the girl I have been telling you about… This is Saffron.” he said nervously. He had been going on about this girl for some time now, ‘perfect in every way’ was the words he usually used to describe her, I’d thought he was just exaggerating, y’know, trying to be a good Boyfriend and stuff - but I now know he wasn’t.

“Hi, Saffron. Nice to finally meet you.” Nathan was the first to break the silence, grinning politely at her.

“We’ve heard a lot about you, Jay really hasn’t sto-” Max was cut off by Jay jabbing him in the ribs with his elbow.

“owwww…” Max whined rubbing his side.

“So, how long do I have to stay on the couch for?” Siva laughed while Jay shot him a angry look.

“Aww Jay… Don’t make Siva move out of his own room, I’LL sleep on the couch..” Saffron replied sweetly, God she was kind as well as gorgeous!

Jay shook his head while the other boys stared at me, probably wondering why I hadn’t spoke yet, with me being ‘Loud Mouth Parker’ and all…

“ermm, Hi..” was all I managed too say, and it came out as a timid whisper anyway.

I shocked myself, I wasn’t usually shy with girls, in fact  I was the opposite!

This really isn’t going to be easy.

Part 2 -

(3 weeks later)

*Saffrons POV*

“Tom stop it..” I giggled running away from his flirty tickle.

“C’mon babe..” he whispered kissing my neck.

“No Tom, this has been going on for too long now, I’m still going out with Jay! And if he found out about us, he would go crazy, there’d probably be a fight or somethi-“

“He’d only get hurt if there was a fight.” he laughed, showing off his muscles.

“Tom stop joking now, we really should stop this…” but I didn’t take my own advice, because suddenly our lips were too busy to keep talking.

..1 hour later..

“TOM, SAFFRON? Where are you both?” Nathan shouted “We’re all going to the pub..? Parker, it’s not like you to pass up an opportunity to get drunk!” we heard him laugh to himself.

“Lets go.” Tom whispered.

“You leave first, I will count to 30 then I’ll follow you.”

“Okay..” he replied, before quickly but passionately kissing me.

What am I going to do about this? I really love Jay, I do. But Toms just so much fun, and I really like him too. I’m so confused!

*Jays POV*

Saffron came out of the apartment, she looked beautiful as always, we were all going to the pub now, with Max and his Girlfriend Sophia, Nathan and his Girlfriend Deedee, Siva and his Girlfriend Megan, Me, Saffron and Tom.

Tom still hasn’t found a Girlfiend, and none of us know why, he hasn’t even brought a girl back to the apartment it ages either, and we all know how much he used to that! Maybe he’s already got a Girlfriend or something like that? Anyway, what I do know is something is definitely going on. I wonder why he isn’t telling us..?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2013 ⏰

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