§ ©hapter 1 § Truths and dare on X7H4332

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Third gen

Lily Luna's pov

'Dad when are we going to get there' i asked irritated about the long Roads, I mean did we have to take the muggle way it is so time consuming. Well by the way I am lily Luna potter daughter of harry and there was so much traffic and yet we still take the most longing route 'the muggle way'

After two stops for James and albus when at the public toilets, oh the bathrooms are digusting, we finally get to the airport I was so desperate to see Hugo because my brother's and I don't really get along cuz they always try to prank me in someways but since I started I was 12 I figured out a way to make that prank reversible so it will affect me in a good way but albus and james still try things out, now I am in my fifth year so it's basically hard to get pranked, and now you know the reason why I am so irritated at the muggle rout and I am so desperate to meet Hugo and rose and obviously Victorie, Dom, Louis, Fred ll, Roxanne, Lucy, Molly ll, and all of my aunts and uncles. When we were outside our Aireoplane Gate we saw every one there probably waiting for us and I also saw James and albus whispering and laughing evily so I go stand by teddy so I'd be much out of danger, teddy lives with us so the potter / Weasley trip includes him as well. I don't know why but just have a feeling this year trip is gonna be amazing

After we settle in the flight X7H4332 there was an announcement to settle down and the flights Ready to take of I was sitting with teddy and Victorie James and albus were siting in front of us with Roxanne behind us were rose, Fred and Lucy and Dom, Molly and Luise were sitting on the seat before James,albus and Roxanne and then the parents behind us the last seat was four seaters so mum, dad, uncle Ron and aunt Hermione were on that one. The flight was ready to take of and one minute we were adjusting the other we were flying in the sky I couldn't see the proper view Victorie was sitting on the window seat and I was in middle of teddy and Victorie

After a while the air hostess came around with a trolly of food she got the food for every one and then she came to us "what will you have for dinner mam we have white souse pasta with chocolate lava cake and cold drink or we have vegetable salad with chocolate pudding  " she asked Victorie "I'll have white souse pasta and the chocolate lava cake" "thank you" when she came to me I was quick to say pasta cuz I hate salad when it got to James and albus and rose I heard fighting voices from their seats and dad came to them "what's going on here" he asked "they are fighting over food James pasta but albus has already taken it and it's finish" rose said "dad why can't he just take the bloody salad and get over it" Albus said "but dad I want pasta and I am elder them him so tell him to shut his mouth and eat the damn salad" James complained and bye now the other passengers were watching us so I quickly stood up and said "James take my food if it means for you to shut up before I punch you hard on the face" I said and gave him the tray and sat back down "learn something from your sister James" dad said "and rose pls bye all means do anything to keep them shut up your the smarter one here "don't worry harry uncle I have my eyes on them" rose said glaring both of them "but dad I am the eldest one here I don't need a baby sitter" James complained again "James I know your my eldest son but you also act like my youngest" with that he left, after s while I stood up and and said I was bored and sat down "you can watch a movie" teddy said "I already did a few good ones but all were like 1/2 hour movies so it got over soon, and now I really am bored" I complained "so you wanna play something" Victorie asked me and "yeah what about truth and dare we can all play that here,and the flights gonna take another one and a half hours to land so we have time" teddy said "well yeah it'd be fun"I said and stood in again "hey guys wanna play truth and dare" I asked the three in front of me and and the ones in front of them, as every one agreed with that we started playing "okay I am starting ,Roxy truth or dare" Victorie asked

"Truth" Roxy said

"Have you ever did something bad and blamed it on someone else and who did you blame it on" Victorie with a smirk on he face

"Honestly yeah I have, I blamed it on James, I accidently set the fire works on in the burrow and james was the first one I saw so blame for on him"

"My turn, albus truth or dare"Roxy asked albus

"Uh... truth" albus said

"Who is the mysteries best friend you always hang out with at school instead of us" she asked with a mysteries look on her face

"Ok guy just don't freak out when I say it, remember I am a Slytherin too"    albus said

"Al just say it" I said

"It's- " albus was about to say it when was cut of by James

"It's Scorpius Malfoy" James said quickly

"What" we all said at the same time,all of our mouths droped open


Okay done with the first chapter of the first book, yoho, next one i am pretty sure will be of the marauders era cuz well this story is based on the three genarations meeting

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