I walked up to a house with giant doors that were locked. Now this would have been a problem if I were human, but you see I am a witch and not just you're typical run of the  mill witch, but a powerful witch who can use dark magic... and is a boy. I know what you must be thinking, usually witches are female, but not me, I am a boy.

As I opened the door and walked in I could hear a growl coming from the stairs. I look up to see a man with blond hair with red eyes glaring at me. "Why the hell are you here and how did you open the door" the said man screamed at me. Of corse my expression didn't change from it's emotionless face as I said "I was instructed to come and guard the people living in this house." "We don't need your protection so leave" he growled back as he started walking towards me.

By this point 6 other people had come downstairs to see the commotion. Some waiting by the stairs and others behind the man I am talking to in case he needs backup. "Sorry, but I cannot leave, I was sent by the parents of the people who live here. Now are you the ones who live here." "Bastards" I heard someone mumble from the stairs. The man was kinda dashing, he kinda looked like a puppy. "Like I said before we don't need your protection so leave our home immediately" The first guy said in my face, spitting on me a little in the process.

"As I said..." I started while I wiped away the spit on my face "...I was sent by your parents to protect you" then I stuck out my hand, no smile whatsoever and said "Hello my name is I.N. and I am your new guardian."

The guy almost attacked me until a squirrel looking guy held him back and said "just give us a second" and motioned his fingers for everyone else to come to him so they could have a little meeting.

~3rd p.o.v at the meeting~
"Jisung what do think your doing, if this I.N. guy was really sent by our parents then it's not good." "Channie hyung I know, but what if our parents are trying to ask for forgiveness in their own weird way." " I don't know Sungie, I have to agree with Chan hyung." "See Minho agrees with me." "Chan hyung , Minho hyung, look how about we do this, we let him stay and 'protect' us and if we find him doing anything suspicious then we kill him. Are you okay with that?" "I guess" "Okay what about the rest of you, are you okay with this plan?" Then a chorus of yes followed. "Okay now lets not keep the guy waiting any longer."

They all turned around and 'Chan' said "Okay you can be our new guardian, but you have to tell us about yourself, cause we don't trust you enough at the moment." "I mean you probably know all about us and we know nothing about you" 'Minho' said. "Actually that's where your wrong. I actually have no idea who you guys are, your parents just said I have to protect their kids that live here" I.N. explained.

"Then we shall go to the living room and introduce ourselves" 'Jisung' said.

~I.N.'s p.o.v in the living room~
"Let's go in order of age so Chan hyung first" a squirrel looking man. "Chan, 23, I'm a werewolf vampire hybrid, and also, I don't like you" Chan had hazel hair and had wide shoulders and big biceps, he was the one who wanted to rip my head off earlier, the one with the red eyes. "Hi I'm Minho, I'm 22 and I also don't like you, and I am a demon" Something about Minho just screamed cat dad to me, Minho had sorta green hair,like just a part of it was green and he was like super hot. Thankfully I have learned to keep my face emotionless, if not I might have slightly blushed just by looking at him.

"I don't know why, but something about you screams cat dad to me" I accidentally said. I didn't mean to it just sort of came out. The people sitting on one of the couches (which were Felix and Jisung) bursted out laughing , while the rest were just snickering and Minho had a shocked face. "What did I say something wrong" " No quite the opposite. You were spot on about that cat dad thing. Anyway I'm Changbin and I'm 21 and a pure blood vampire also in the not liking you committee." Changbin was tan and if I thought Chan had big bisceps, well Changbin's were bigger. "Wait your a vampire, I thought you would be like a werewolf or something cause your so tan"

"Yeah people get that impression of him at first, also hi I'm Hyunjin and also a fire dragon and I am 20 also don't like you." Hyunjin said kinda harshly. Hyunjin looked like a prince and had a sort of mini-mullet that made him look ten times hotter. "Oh yay it's finally my turn. Hello my name is Jisung, I'm 20 as well, a Phoenix, also don't think just because I saved you earlier means I like you." Jisung was the squirrel looking guy that saved me from having my head ripped off.

"Hello I'm Felix, also 20 and an ice dragon, also not liking you much" "Now that we're done with that, I'm Seungmin, 20, also a pure blood werewolf, and also don't like you, now tell us about yourself." Seungmin said rushed.

"Well you can call me I.N. and I am a witch who knows all sorts of magic, even of the darker variety and I was sent here by your parents to protect you." "Wait your not gonna tell us your name or even your age." Felix said. "No, why would I need to. My job is to protect you not give you my life story, plus I'm only protecting you until your parents say you don't need protecting anymore."

I said as I stood up and walked to the door "I shall be outside checking the perimeter" and with that I walked away.

~3rd p.o.v~
"Man what an asshole" Hyunjin said as soon as I.N left. "Yeah seriously the kid should learn some manners, but on a serious note you can't actually believe our parents really sent him to try and protect us right, after what they did to us." Minho said. "Look just stay on your toes, I don't trust that guy whatsoever, not only the fact that he won't give us a name or an age he also said he was sent by our parents, which makes me trust him even less, but we really don't know just be wary of him ok" Chan said concerned.

They really could trust I.N at all
A/n: ok so I was originally going to finish one book before I worked on another but I got to excited and had to many ideas.

I'll post their intros next chapter so that it's easier to remember their supernatural identity and what they look like.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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