Day 1: Hand Holding

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To say Robin was awkward would be an understatement. Heck, he hasn't even held hands with his own girlfriend! However, once Lucina's friends made such a big deal about it, Robin decides to try to take their relationship to the next step.

It was usually normal day for the Shepard's. Fredrick was clearing pebbles around the camp for safety reasons only he really saw, Muriel was holding a study session only Ricken attended to, Stahl was gobbling down the breakfast Lissa, Lon'qu, and Marribelle made, Henry and Nowi were goofing off in a field, Tharja was stalking around Robin's tent which Libra attempted to many times to get his wife away from, Sully was sparring with anyone who was willing, Virion was sipping tea while listening to the conversation Sumia and Cordelia where having, Cherche was off washing Minerva in a near by river, Gaius was trying to no avail to steal sweets from the convoy, Owain and Cynthia were playing hero with some local children, and the rest were over sleeping. Except for one.

The future daughter of Chrom: Lucina. Unlike the others that were awake, she wasn't goofing off or enjoying the morning. She was waiting anxiously. One might guess that it's just the burden she carries to save the future from the cataclysmic destruction the Fell Dragon Grima was due to create, however, it's different this time. This anxious feeling isn't created by her worst fears coming true or from her lack of social awareness, but it was from a feeling she hasn't felt in a long time.


She always had a small crush on the legendary tactician that always stood by her father's side. Although it was nothing more than a childhood crush, it resurfaced after seeing a slightly younger version of him in action. Her recent break-up with Inigo before she traveled to the past may have affected her feelings, but whatever it was, she managed to do the impossible: to actually date Robin.

She still couldn't believe it. The previous week while she was Robin were out on a patrol she certainly didn't set up with the help of her sister Cynthia, Robin confessed to having slight feelings for her as well. They agreed to start dating in secret for now until the find the right time to tell Chrom. Although, the thought of telling your best friend that you're dating his future daughter probably doesn't have a good time to tell.

Meanwhile, Robin was well awake. He was sitting up on his cot, formulating a plan in his head. It's been a week and he and Lucina still haven't done anything "romantic" per-say. When Chrom and Sumia started dating, it didn't take them long to publicly display their affection. Even some of the Shepard's at least held hands with their significant other within a couple days of dating.

Love was the one topic he didn't have any expertise on. Battle tactics, the best of the best. Negotiations, getting better day by day. Book recommendations, can go on for hours. Love, on the other hand, he can't think of a tactic to save his life.

Robin sighed. He was getting hungry and he doesn't work well with an empty stomach. He reluctantly got out of bed, pulled on his undershirt, and headed outside.

He discreetly got in line for breakfast right behind Cynthia, and Owain. Cynthia quickly noticed and waved to Robin, which was something unusual since she never really payed much attention to Robin. Robin awkwardly waved back and instantly went into internal panic mode.

Does Cynthia know? Did Lucina tell her? What if she thinks it's weird? Well of course she would because her sister is dating their father's best friend from the past! Robin thought frantically.

"Hey Robin, it's your turn to get food." Cynthia said as she and Owain where finishing up at the makeshift mess hall tent that was set up. Robin jumped back slightly from being trusted out of his thoughts.

Fateful Love: Robcina Week 2021Where stories live. Discover now