16. Boss up.

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Song of the chapter:- Falling by Harry Styles ✨ (my personal fav)


"You should go back and maybe eat something Ems, we're all here and if he wakes up you'll be the first to know", Zach said trying convince me to eat, but how can I? What if Ethan wakes up and finds noone around? What if something happens to him while I'm gone? No I shouldn't think like that, but that's all I was doing since I saw him laying on the bed looking pale and sick.

It was now 5am everyone visited him and then we're taking turns to stay here but I wasn't able to leave  his side. I just couldn't make my mind up about leaving him here even when I knew others were here.

"I can't", zach was rewarded with the same reply the others got when they said I should go back. "Hey, if he was awake he wouldn't want to see you like this. Just eat something and come back Emma. Everyone's worried about you", he said and there was a reason he was here trying to change my mind because everyone knew he was their best shot at trying to change my mind.

"If he was awake I would be here in the first place", I snapped at him and instantly regretted it. None of this was Zach's fault after all. "I-im sorry, but if something happened I can't-", before I can complete he embraced me in a much needed hug. Then I finally said, "Fine I'll go. But if I'm not the first one to know when something happens-", "You'll kill me, I know", he said smiling at me.

Just as I left the room I saw John and Luke sitting in the waiting area. "So someone finally told you that you look like shit huh?", John said jokingly trying to lighten the mood. I gave him a small smile. We started walking back to the pack house as it was near the hospital, that's when I noticed the condition of the pack.

The rouges didn't even enter the pack but they still managed to make our lives hell. People were already worried sick about Ethan, Mark was incharge of almost everything as the beta because I still wasn't the official Luna of the pack. Zach was trying to help but he was also spending most of his time with Ethan. Jack and Chris were already tired because of the fight yet they were managing their pack aka Cresent moon pack from here. Clara, Anne and Rose were also working nonstop.

Everything was disrupted and then there was me, selfishly drowning myself in sorrow, when I didn't even think about my pack, my people. I wasn't the official Luna but I'll be soon and it was my job to make sure my people are fine even when I'm not. I decided I needed to stop spiralling as it was time to boss up.

I went home, got ready and had some food. After that I asked Mark to update me on our losses or if anything has gone missing or any suspicious activities after the attack because they knew we were weak, and it was the best time to attack but I was going to prove them wrong. After that I told Mark to rest and told everyone that there will be a meeting at 8pm today till then everyone can rest.

After making the pack security tighter, and increasing the amount of security I finally went back to my Ethan to complete some boring paperwork while also keeping an eye on him. I also visit the people asking them if they're doing well or if they want anything, fortunately all the wanted was Ethan's well being.

When I was filling up some papers suddenly the monitor attached to Ethan started beeping which freaked me out because I didn't even know what it was for. "Mom? Dad? Someone come in here?", I started to shout while pressing the button near Ethan bed which was for emergency or some shit. Suddenly my mother and two nurses barged into the room and checked his heartbeat or some shit, the whole time I was shaking, everyone was back home resting before the meeting because I was already here plus mom was also on duty.

"Oh thank god, sweetie it's nothing to worry about his body is just reacting to the antidote, he'll be waking up anytime soon", with that they left me alone with my thoughts and ofcourse my beloved mate. I took his hand in mine trying to find comfort in those cold hands which used to warm me up during the coldest times. Suddenly tears welled up in my eyes, this whole time I was trying to be strong for Ethan, and for everyone but now that I was alone I wasn't able to stop those tears from falling.

"Please come back to me Ethan. I can't live without you, and I- I don't want to. You're m- my first crush", A small chuckle left my mouth remembering old days. How I'd give anything to have those day back, I won't even mind him being rude to me.

"I know I'm not your first crush, or you're first girlfriend but I do want to be your last. I want to be your Luna, your wife and anything you'd want me to be just come back to me please", now I was full on crying, my head on his chest as I hold one of his hand in both of mine. "You know you always said you'd be my Prince, and I'd say I don't need a Prince? Well seems like I was wrong. I need you. You're my mate, my other half, my everything. Please, I can't be without you", I said my voice was hoarse, a lump in my throat.

That's when I heard it. At first I thought I was dreaming or maybe hallucinating but then I realised it was real. A soft, husky, almost not there whisper "I'd never leave you".

Published on:- 18 April, 2021.

Heyy snowflakes, here is it another update after a very busy week. So what do you think about bossy Emma and emotional Emma? Share you're thoughts in comment box. Please like, share and comment. Thank you for reading.

Also what do you guys think about me adding some character asthetics before the first chapter?

Take care. Stay safe. Spread love.

IceQueen ❣️

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