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Black feathers covered the ground, outside screams could be heard from ever direction. A group for four small children hide in the cellar, one of the had blue wings, another had white wings, the third had black and red wings, and the last had no wings at all. The girl with blue wings protectively held her wingless sister, while their brother with white whites wrapped them both with his wings and held them to his chest, trying to calm them down. Their other brother with black and red wings stood at the cellar hatch with his sword in hand.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING!?" The wingless sister cried into her sister's shoulder. "It'll be okay Kiwi..." the white winged brother rubbed her back. The wingless sister let out a quiet groan at the nickname. "I won't let anything hurt you guys... I promise" his red wings stretched out, making it so nothing could get by without him noticing.

"Did you hear that!?" The white winged whisper yelled. Each of them went dead silent listening very closely. Footsteps, lots of footsteps were right above them searching the basement for them.

A million thoughts ran through each of their heads like: "had they gotten papa?" "How many are there?" "Will they find us!?" "Can I protect them!" "There's no where to run if they find us..."

"LOOK OUT GENERAL" "HOW IS HE STILL STANDING!?!?" "FORGET THAT HE-" the screaming was abruptly cut off. It was silent for want felt like an entirety. "Kids...?" All the siblings felt relief flood their bodies. "PAPA DOWN HERE!!"

The trap door swung open and a rather tall man stood at the entrance. His wings were like giants compared to the kids, they were also like a rainbow with so many different colors! His hair was a blue and his eyes were green. His body was covered with old and new scars from head to toe.

"Papa!!" Kiwi ran up the stairs and hugged her father's waist. He chuckled and bent down and hugged her back, but left his wings wide open until the other siblings joined the hug then he wrapped them in the safety of his wings.

The blue winged sister slipped threw the hug and ran up the stairs, towards her room. She kicked open the door to her room, scaring a very small blue jay inside. He was sitting on her desk waiting for his owner to come and rescue him. He was still so young, most of feathers he had were gray with tips of blue.

The blue winged sister scooped the small blue jay in her hands. He happily tweeted to her, which she responded back her own tweets. She put the blue jay in her hoodie pocket and quickly ran back down the stairs, avoiding to look out any windows. She already knew of the bloody battle happening in her small village, she just didn't want to see people she knew laying dead on the ground in their own blood.

She found her family at the back door, her siblings were huddled together in a corner next to the door and her father was looking through a window. "Blue Jay!" The blue winged sister's head snapped up at Kiwi's voice.

Of course Kiwi and Blue Jay weren't their actual names just nicknames given to them by their flock. Their white winged brother's nickname was snow owl and the red and black winged brother's nickname was hawk while their father's was parrot.

"Snow owl, hawk" Parrot turned back towards his fledglings. They were all huddled together with their wings protecting one another. "Yes father" Snow owl and Hawk said together. "I want you two to lead your sisters away from here, I will distract them as long as I can then I'll come find you all I promise" Parrot looked at all the scared looks on his fledglings faces. "I'll be fine I promise- but remember not matter how bad the storm gets never leave your flock behind" Parrot quickly ran through the door into the battle outside.

Snow owl pecked threw the door and signal his siblings to follow him. They had somehow made it out of the village and now were running west away from the village. Unknowingly that their father was now crawled away from the battle covered in blood and not all in one piece.

10 years later

The blue jay flew around in the air, turning back towards the balcony ever so often to make sure his owner was still watching. Which made his owner chuckle as she watched him fly, she wasn't scared of him flying away she knew he wouldn't. She has had him for almost eight years now, most blue jays live for only seven but thanks to Stella that wasn't gonna happen anytime soon.

"Lady Azura" The blue winged sister turn her head to look at the guard. "Yes?" Azura opened her blue wings stretching them. "Sir Patrick wishes to see you" Azura chuckled. "Tell him I'm on my way" the guard dipped his head and walked off. Azura held her hand out over the balcony. "Come on Arrow let's go" The blue jay landed on her hand then hopped up on her shoulder.

Azura walked down the halls towards the General's office, ignoring all the stares at her wings, she was use to them by now.

So much had changed in those ten years since her village was attacked, Snow owl or his actual name Aziel had become one of the best doctors in Frostbourne, while Hawk or his real name Nick was now a black smith the best in the business, and as for Kiwi well she never left Azura's side and was now one for the two leader for the Elytra Corps but most people know her by her actual name, Dexter. As for Azura well she was the second commander of the Elytra Crops, the lead scientist, a well trained medic, an renown inventor, and the Grandmaster's scholar.

As for their father well-

To Be Continued

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