Chapter XII: The Relic of Destruction

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- Atlas Academy - Headmaster's Office -

An anxiety-riddled wreck was what could be used to describe General Steelheart. Never did he spend time resting, as the leader of Remnant's strongest military. He had the entire world of Remnant on his shoulders, it was slowly crushing him beneath it's weight.

The holo-map in front of him was his greatest nightmare. The lands of Remnant were mostly covered in black. Signifying the presence of the Black Horde. The only parts of Remnant that remained safe for people was Atlas as well as that one damned spot on Vale.

With Mistral having fallen under the sphere of influence of the Prince of Grimm as well as Menagerie, Atlesian aerial attacks had intensified over the traitorous kingdom. Currently, Atlesian airpower was seemingly the only thing keeping the civilized world of Remnant in the war. If Vale fell, all red eyes of the Black Horde would be focused completely on Atlas.

Steelheart's strategy revolved around keeping Fortress Vale regularly supplied and use it as a form of distraction for the Black Horde. While Grimm forces had been sighted and eliminated on the continent before, the majority of the Grimm Prince's forces were concentrated on the southern kingdom.

Officer: "General Steelheart. Reports from Vale are as expected, Grimm forces continue to be held back with light probing."

Steelheart: "Excellent, for now my strategy is working. Once we're able to bomb those traitors in Mistral into the ground, we can focus on relieving Vale. If we ever catch that coward Lionheart, I'll personally strangle his faunus ass to death!"

He yelled, slamming his fist onto the holo-map. Which flickered a little.

Steelheart: "What about the Summer Maiden, are we able to locate her after that raid?"

Officer: "Not as of now sir, we're still searching. But it's possible that she's in the Prince's custody."

Steelheart turned and pointed directly to his officer.

Steelheart: "Find her, Killian! Or else?"

Killian: "Of course, sir."

He stood high and saluted.

Steelheart: "That girl was the key to winning this war... And those men at Stronghold Ironwood allowed him to get her. THEY ALLOWED HIM TO GET WHAT ENSURED OUR SURVIVAL. I swear if Captain Harold hadn't died in there, I'd have shot him myself. At the very least, the Horde did me right by killing an incompetent officer."

Killian: "Yes, sir."

He said, promptly exiting the office. Steelheart was also anguishing in a splitting headache that he had developed, supposedly out of sheer stress.

Killian jotted notes down of Steelheart's mental state in order to report back to his true master.

In the depths of (Y/N)'s palace, there was a doll created that distantly resembled the Atlesian General, there was a pin lodged in it's forehead. Not too far inward as to kill, just enough to continue the tortured general's deteriorating state. And to possibly damage the moral of his army along the way.

- Meanwhile -

In the devastated Shade Academy, (Y/N) and Summer made their way into the entrance of the building. She stayed close to him, he ensured it.

(Y/N) was able to locate the vault due to torturing the academy's headmaster, killing him shortly after. Now, he and Summer took an elevator down into the vault, alike to the one from Haven.

The vault and the Relic of Destruction was now only a few dozen steps away. (Y/N) was able to contain the immense excitement he held within as Summer held (Y/N)'s hand quite loosely. The pair made their way towards the vault, which the girl stared at with conviction.

Summer: "Do you really think Mavis could be in here?"

She asked as she looked up at her escort, (Y/N) looked down at her to reply.

(Y/N): "To be honest, I'm not completely certain on it. But it is worth a try."

Summer nodded slowly.

(Y/N): "Do you know how to open this? Only someone as special as you can."

She slowly approached the door, (Y/N)'s foot excitedly tapped on the floor.

Summer: "I-I kind of remember. I can't really explain it.

(Y/N) repeatedly, almost furiously mouthed the words 'Open it.' Both to himself and to her. She couldn't see him, as she was focused on the door.

Summer outstretched her arm, her eyes glowed with the Maiden's powers. As she activated her abilities, the vault door slowly began to glow as her powers came into contact with the barrier.

Systematically, like the one from Haven. The door slowly opened piece by piece, revealing another dimension. Where there it was in all it's ancient glory, the blade that was the Relic of Destruction.

(Y/N)'s eyes grew with the ecstasy of victory. His machinations soon to come to a magnificent crescendo. Summer watched as he stumbled into the vault, seemingly in a drunken trance. She watched closely as he stood before the artifact, grabbing it gently. Inspecting it before taking it as his own, before turning towards her.

(Y/N): "I don't think she was here."

He said, preparing to exit the vault. Noticing Summer's confused expression, he stopped dead in his tracks.

Summer: " tricked me, why?"

She asked. Even though she was still quite young and naive, she was smart enough to understand that (Y/N) had tricked her into opening this door for him.

(Y/N): "You're thinking of closing that door and locking me in here, huh?"

He asked, chuckling right after.

Summer: "I-I..."

(Y/N): "Is it really something you want to do?"

Summer was panicking within. The sudden turn was not something she was expecting. She was growing more and more nervous by the second. Thus, (Y/N) dropped his kind facade and began to show his ruthless side.

(Y/N): "Think about this Summer, I saved your life. Right now, letting me go is all that stands between you and your death."

Summer: "W-why's that?"

She frighteningly asked.

(Y/N): "My Grimm are under strict orders to not harm you, if you contain me here. There's no telling what they're going to do to you. I will not be able to hold them back. Save yourself by saving me, alright?"

Summer began to shiver with fear, as (Y/N) began to approach her. Figuring out that he was the one in control of the Grimm. Her chance to end his reign of terror grew smaller and smaller, until he passed through the door. He smiled with confidence as he patted Summer's shoulder, she was now of no more use to him. But he couldn't just let her go and wander the barren lands of Remnant.

(Y/N): "You've got nowhere else to go, you should probably stay with us. Don't worry, I would never harm a child... I promise."

He said, holding Summer's hand. She could feel his cold touch, literally and figuratively. His body emitted no heat and no concern or care could be felt in his touch. Nothing,

Once they all got back to the palace, Summer would be thrown in the dungeon with the rest of the other maidens, quite far from the caring treatment she got when she first arrived.

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