She's back

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3 years later, the present

Third person view

After Mina left, y/n became so cold and distant from everyone. School had to be shut down because of a virus (not corona nor any known virus just a virus) for a year then y/n saw that Mina was gone for good so she started to focus more and became more smart and started to work out, y/n had a glow up and she had abs, pretty face, and became a martial arts master, she started to post on Instagram and gained many followers. A picture where she showed her abs went crazy almost 1 million likes, everyone at school knew it was y/n and everyone started to have a crush on her, boys and girls

Y/n became closer and closer to her family and met a girl at school named Irene also a member of Red velvet, at school she was mostly with Irene but y/n made it clear that Irene and her are not a thing but just best friends and it made people more happy cause that meant y/n was still single. At school people went crazy for her always leaving gifts, calling her senpai but y/n just ignored them and never accepted gifts and y/n always saved people from getting bullied. People were scared of her because of her martial arts but whenever she had to fight and always beat the bullies, the people would go crazy because they thought it was hot, literally anything that y/n does, fans of her go crazy like her smartness, whenever she played any sport, and when she helped people but she never smiled

Y/n pov

I woke up to my alarm ringing hella loud, it was 6:00 in the morning which I started to do my workout then took a shower and got some clothes

I woke up to my alarm ringing hella loud, it was 6:00 in the morning which I started to do my workout then took a shower and got some clothes

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(What you are wearing)

I went downstairs and saw yeri, Samuel, and Jisoo. Tae, Chen, and doyoung were with their groups

"Good morning unnie, good morning little ones" I said to jisoo, yeri, and Samuel. Jisoo and Samuel said good morning back but yeri said

"Just cause you're a year older doesn't mean you can call me little one" I smirked a little and put my hands up in defense

"Alright alright, im sorry" I said as I sat down and quickly ate when Samuel said

"Y/n unnie, me and yeri are going together so you can ride your motorcycle today" (yes y/n got a motorcycle because it's cool and she likes the wind but does have a car (Tesla cause we rich 😌) and we use it when it rains or jisoo says no more motorcycle) I smiled a little and said

"Yes, I've been wanting to ride my motorcycle for awhile" jisoo rolled her eyes because she is scared something may happen to me but I saw her and said

"Y'know when I'm on my motorcycle i'm extremely careful so don't worry, I'll be fine but I should get going it's getting a little late, you two little ones don't be late either" they said ok and I went to my motorcycle, I put on my helmet and want to school, when I got there I saw a crowd of maybe like 15 people but I ignored it, I started walking to the building when a bunch of my fans surrounded me offering me gifts and telling me to marry them and to get with them, I just rolled my eyes and looked to my side then that's when I saw

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