Llacme heard a commotion that made her come out of her castle, now a shiny mix of glass and stone. The old caves and the rock houses built in the last decade were being destroyed by a goat stampede, a nightmare come true. At least a thousand furious goats were on attack; some soldiers with electromagnetic rifles managed to kill some of them, but the goats quickly overrun the settlement and their defenders. The stampede got to Llacme's castle. She took an electromagnetic weapon Maria had designed especially for her; a pair of wide swords, tied to her mechanical hands with chains of electromagnetic links. The links allowed her to throw the sword, control its movement in the air, as the distance between the links was variable, and recover the sword directly to her hands. With those swords she killed twelve goats, until Carmina came down from the sky and confronted her.
Carmina stood in front of Llacme at twenty-five yards of distance with the Black Vulture in her hands and the spear tied to the left side of her waist. Llacme threw her right sword, Carmina evaded it and tried to cut the chain, but only destroyed one link and the system remained functional. In its way back, the sword cut a slice of Carmina's left shoulder and damaged her left wing. Then Llacme threw her left sword, and as Carmina evaded it, the chain made a circle around her head and grabbed her by the neck. Llacme dragged Carmina across the ground between them as the chain and sword were coming back to her, preparing her right sword to hit her head. Carmina thrusted with her wings against the ground while being dragged, to get vertical again, held the Black Vulture in her left hand and grabbed the spear from her waist with her right hand. When she was eight feet away, Llacme throwed her right sword towards her and Carmina cut it in half with the Black Vulture, then struck again and severed Llacme's left mechanical hand, to avoid any contact with her. Then Carmina pointed the spear at Llacme's stomach, and the blade expanded long enough to touch her and receded back. Llacme and the immediate soil under her became crystal as Carmina fell to the ground backwards.
In the sky over them, Djaall appeared, and Carmina used her wings to stand herself up, without moving her legs or arms, with her gaze fixed in Djaall; and the Lord of Flies flew for his life once again.
"For all those witnessing my actions, I am Carmina of Nineveh, Vulture of Kish, and I have destroyed your place and turned your Queen into a crystal statue! I am your Queen now! Whoever defies my rule will find certain death! Now I will destroy the Black Dog that turned you into a herd of lambs!"
That said, Carmina took possession of a large cargo spacecraft and filled it with goats. She passed by the cave in the valley to pick up Sephia and together they set course to Earth, in hyperdimensional mode, to get there before Anubis would have news of the attack.
HorrorA collection of shorts stories set in a world where the line between magic and science in just a blur.