It all begins

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"Ugh, I don't wanna wake up" my mind was rambling on while rolling out of bed, suddenly I felt like a thousand pounds, chin smacking into the floor and all you can hear is snoring on the floor. Hi, second year of college yippy! Roselle's vision appears standing over me, shaking her head as her red eyes lit a fire under my ass, " I am up, I am up! massive shock went down my spin as I gritted my teeth together flinching. "Just wanted to make sure you were up Rosie-poo you gotta get ready for school!." I get a sharp eye at her, glaring, groans filled the pillow crying hard She shrugs and waves vanishing back. " I hate her sometimes." I gave a mighty sigh, looking into the mirror into my dull eyes as they change into a firey brown, I close them whispering gently! Pumping my fist in the air I huffed some air looking at twilia! My scaley lizard buddy!

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