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Imagine you came had a really bad day at school                                                                               You put your bag in the room and walk into the kitchen to get something to eat,on the fridge there is a note that says                                                                                                                                                                  Meet me at the park                                                                                                                                                     ~Benjamin

while u were reading the note you were smiling like crazy. you walked upstairs u decided to wear a red dress. When u finished putting it on you walked outside.

when you arrived at the park.suddenly there is two armson your waist.

Hey beautiful . Benjamin whispered in your ear. you turn around and look in blue eyes. his eyes are so beautiful. You smile widely at Benjamin and he smiles back at you.

So you found my note Benjamin said

Benjamin plants a soft kiss on your lips Benjamin breaks the kiss and says i gotta sow u somthin.

He grabs your hand and you walk along the park.  He brings youto a beautiful place . there is a huge tree there is loads of beautiful red flowers.

Babe i really wanted to show u this place , it is really beautiful. i would come here alone just looking at all the preety flowers and forgetting about all the bad things i would never share this place with no one except you i wanted to bring you to this place and show u how special you are to me. i love u u are one of the most beautiful and special person in my life.i really like you 

im thinking about u everyday , an long as you stay with me my life will be perfect 

i love you too, i promise i will stay by your side forever and ever you are the best boyfriend in the world you say smiling really widely. and Benjamin smiles at you too :) :)

He kisses you and you kiss him back.

the end of this Chapter hope u like :) x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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