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I open my eyes to a new place. Coldwind Farm. I make my way through the grass and past hay stacks. Once I spot a generator I run to it and get working.

I peek on the other side of the gen to see someone crouching walking this way. At first I thought it was a survivor so I was about to wave them over. I stopped once I realized who it was. Some girl with long black hair and a red jacket with a......Pig head? wait a PIG HEAD!? How comes I couldn't hear the heartbeat?!

She hasn't noticed me yet. I sneak behind a wall and find a locker to hide in. Hiding in the locker gives me flash backs from my last trail. Thinking back to that made me blush a bit.

My daydreaming was stopped once I heard banging. It sounded like she hit the gen. What the hell I was working on that.

My breath gets stuck in the back of my throat when she passes the locker I'm hiding in and checks the other locker that's next to me.

After a while I step out of the locker and head back to the gen I was previously working on. Not long after I complete the gen causing it to make a dinging sound and light up.

I make a run for it to another generator I saw. The killer hops out in front of me causing me to come to a halt sliding my feet on the ground to slow down.

I whip around to run but not in time to run off safe. She gets a hit on me, I make a boost from the hit and run into a big shack. Seeing the dead animals hanging from the roof made me sick to my stomach.

I vault one of the windows and run on the right side of the shack. I look behind me to check if The killer is behind me. Once I see nothing I assumed I lost her and slowed down a bit. Boy was I wrong. As soon as I turn my head back around She turns the corner I was heading at, Giving me a good hit.

I scream falling to the floor. Coughing and groaning about the pain that was coming back to me. She picks me up throwing me on her shoulder causing me to whimper in pain.

Trying my best to wiggle out failed, she hooked me. I scream out in pain feeling the hook rip through my right shoulder. I glare at her as she walks off.

My eyes scan around the area in hope to find someone heading my way to get me off the hook. My prays came true once I saw Bill running my way.

"I got you kid." He lifts me off the hook and we take cover hind a tree as he heals me. "Thanks." I smile at him. He gives me a nod and points at a generator in the distance. I nod showing that I understand and head for the gen he pointed at.

In the middle of working on it Yun-Jin comes over to help. We both nod at each other. After a little the gen is completed and we take off running in different directions.

I run into the killer......again. Now the chase is on, again.

She is hot on my trail. She gets a hit on me. I boost forward and do some circles and spins around some trees and rocks to try and lose her. As soon as shes about to hit me I pull down a pallet stunning her. Once she starts to break the pallet I make a run for it vaulting a window.

My heartbeat starts to slow down and so do I. I hid behind a rock to make sure she was actually gone. Looking over to my left I could see A yellow box with a lock on it. Maybe it has something useful.

I make my way over to it and start working on it. After a while I finally manage to open it. Lucky for me there was a medkit in there. I pick it up and start to instantly heal.

Being stupid and not looking around me, I feel a slash of pain in my back making me fall to the ground. I turn my head to find the killer wiping my blood off her blade.

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