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Ximenas POV

I was in my bedroom just finished unpacking my suitcase. As I just landed in Los Ángeles from Guadalajara Mexico. I lived there for a total of three years. But it was time to go back to my city. And I was excited to see my twin brother Alex verdugo again And more excited to see him play what he loved. Which was baseball.

Today was September 1st of 2019 and my brother was on a airplane right now from Phoenix arizona as they played over there for 3 days and today they were going to come back to la to play against the Colorado Rockies starting tomorrow night and I was excited for tomorrow I couldn't wait to see him play

I got bored and it was going to take a while until Alex arrived so to kick time I went to the in n out near my house and went there to get me a hamburger and decided to get Alex one too when he got back from the airport.

I decided to eat it at my house. While I was eating it I got a text from my brother Alex

My twin 💙- hey Ximena I will be arriving there in 45 minutes so you better be at the house or your be in a big trouble

I rolled my eyes when I saw the text and just texted "be safe"

The 45 minutes passed and in any moment Alex will be at the house.

30 minutes passed and I hear a car entering at the house and I knew it was him.

He entered the house and he saw me and he had the biggest smile ever.

I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug ever and he hugged me back. I missed him so much.

"I've missed you so much sister!" Alex said

"I missed you more twin brother" I said and we hugged each other again

I helped Alex with his little suitcase and I put on his bed.

I made my way downstairs again as Alex was going to change.

"So is there anything new that's happened since we've seen each other last?" Alex asked when he was coming down from upstairs

"Well I haven't found a boyfriend yet and I'm not interested by the way. I just thought I was going to find myself a Mexican over there in Guadalajara but I guess I was wrong and to be honest nothing has happened how about you" I said

"Well I did got myself a girlfriend and we have been dating for a year now" he said and I smiled

"Who is she who's my future sister in law" I asked while I was smiling

"Her name is Bianca and she's Mexican American just like us" he said

"How did y'all meet I'm curious now" I said and he laughed a little

"At dodger stadium , it was fan fest and their was a section where fans could take a selfie with us players and I don't know how it happened we instantly clicked and then I looked for her in instagram and I saw that she tagged me in a post and immediately started following her and dm her and the rest is history" he said with a smile

"How cute is that,I want to meet her now" I said

"Well tomorrow she's going to the game you want to meet her tomorrow or no?" He asked

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