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Ximenas POV

I woke up the next morning and I went in to check my phone and I saw it was 11:00 am and I must had Over slept.

I had a missed calls and texts from Bianca and I felt bad and I called her back

"Hey girl I'm here at your house you finally decided to wake up or what" she said when she answered the phone

"I'm sorry I over slept I'm gonna be down there in a bit" I said and hang up the phone

I smelled food and I knew my brother was cooking breakfast.

I quickly took a shower,did my hair and changed and made my way downstairs

I saw Bianca and Alex cooking eggs and some pancakes and I immediately got hungry.

"Good morning sunshine you finally decided to wake up huh" Alex said when he saw me coming to the kitchen

"Good morning girl" Bianca then said

"Good morning love birds" I then said

"Why did you over slept sister what happened" Alex asked

"I don't know what happened honestly I'll guess a lot happened yesterday" I said

"Ummm is that blonde boy called Gavin stealing your sleep or what" Alex asked and Bianca agreed with him and I rolled my eyes at both of them

"Why y'all say that?" I asked

"Because I noticed in your face when you came out of the clubhouse when you met Gavin and this morning he asked me if your going to today's game" Alex said

"I mean he's cute and everything but that doesn't mean anything bro" I said to him

"And tell him what he did last night girl" Bianca then added and I just told my brother what happened last night

"Gavin last night gave me his phone number" I said to my brother and he's jaw dropped

"Damn I think he's into you ximena" he said and I just rolled my eyes at him

"Yah I can agree with your brother" Bianca said

"Well we just met that's impossible" I said just trying to change the topic

"I know you haven't been in a relationship before I get it, I understand your fear sister" Alex said and he was damn right

"Yah I agree I'm scared to be in one to be honest" I said

"I will help you in that girl don't worry about it" Bianca said and I just smiled at her

Then Alex gave me a plate with my breakfast and then Alex and Bianca made their own plate and we sat at the dining table to eat our breakfast.

"So are you going to the game or not" Alex asked me

"Of course I am I love it yesterday" I said

"Okay nice to hear" Bianca said in a exciting tone.

We talked for a while and Finish eating our breakfast and then I offered to clean the kitchen and wash and dishes

We were hanging out in the living room until i got a text from someone and that someone was Gavin and my eyes got wide and both Alex and Bianca saw my reaction and got confused

"what's up sister why that reaction" Alex asked

"I got a text from Gavin" I said and Bianca jaws dropped

"What does it say now I'm curious" Alex said

"I don't know I just saw that he sent me a text ima open it right now" I said and opened the text

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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