Funny Little Things

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The dawn was beautiful, a glittering ray of sunlight passing through the window and brightening the room almost as suddenly as it had appeared in the sky. Mid-summer was the most brilliant time for any one. Long days of tranquillity - even work seemed a lot calmer and you could appreciate it more in the summer. In that room was a young person. That person was fast asleep, with their head on the pillow and body covered by a quilt. Now, not many knew this person's full personality but their internet persona was an absolute hit. Being on a site called 'Tumblr', with thousands of followers. On this site they could be who they wanted to - and without all the consequences of doing so in real life. Nevertheless, there were consequences. Self-harming, as well as a list of other horrible things had happened to them but these had calmed down as they year had progressed. This person's name was, and still is, Rebornica.

After a few minutes of being subjected to a vicious light, Rebornica stretched and with a long sigh dragged themselves out of their bed. Their first instinct was to go on the computer, a typical choice, but instead they decided to make themselves some breakfast. After all, they had a black hole as a stomach. Slowly, they made their way to the kitchen and made themselves the best thing they could. It looked more like a mess of someone's insides than anything else but it was sort of edible? They didn't really have time to notice because before they could even register the taste they were upstairs and on the computer. Cam, too, was enjoying his summer. The Meme Squad was spread across loads of countries so some would be at school, working or sleeping right now.

But Cam, he would be awake. I mean, their time zones weren't too far apart, or at least that was Rebornica's logic on the situation. Nevertheless, they got the computer booted up and went on skype as their first order of business. Just to check if there was anybody to talk to. Scrolling through the contacts they started to realise just how many people they had on skype. Most of them were probably stalking fans but some of them were people in real need. The remaining few were friends, particularly the Meme Squad. Luckily for Rebornica, Cam was on. As such, they started to engage in a chat of sorts with Cam. He managed to reply within the minute and then a conversation about several topics went on. How Pilot is doing, what they were going to do next and many other topics that you'd ask a friend.

"So, Rebs," Cam started, clearing his voice with a few quick coughs before continuing his sentence, "How would you feel if I asked you to come to mine?" He asked this, and Rebs had to pause for a few seconds. This question couldn't have a straight up answer. Cam seemed to know this as he didn't rush them into the decision. He just waited with the occasional cough or shuffle of feet. They wanted to go, really badly too, but how would they afford it? They didn't have a job yet and animation was such a hard business to get into. As well as that, how would they both adjust to each other in the same environment and home? So many questions started to appear. Rebornica knew only one answer, but knew that so much more came from that single word.

"Yes." Rebornica said, clearly knowing what they were doing. They could feel the anticipation that Cam was feeling - likely because they had it too but there was another side to the story. The cost and the realism of such a trip. It would likely be too much for any of them to handle. Then Cam sent Reb's a picture through the skype chat. Rebornica wasn't normally one to simply click on links but they could rely on Cam and clicked on it. Google Chrome popped up, and loaded a picture of a ticket from a Malaysian airport near them to Australia. Suddenly, they felt their throat start to become sore and their eyes water a bit. How could they say no now?

Rebornica had already got permission from their parents. They were now pretty much an adult anyway but still under the age of majority. That permission did make them sacrifice quite a few things though. Not much freedom in Australia, always being with Cam (which they saw as a ridiculous rule, as Cam was 16 and them 17) among other things. The flight was supposed to take place within two months, and it did so. Cam and Rebornica had talked excitedly about the trip in the meantime, scheduling stuff, organising, and all that kind of stuff. They absolutely had to do it early because both sets of parents had to have a look at what they were going to do.

The weeks they spent that they had apart moved swiftly, and the day that Rebornica arrived to the airport took its slow, but needful time.

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