Part 1

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"Ava!" Ave turns to see Nathan running towards her. He slows as he comes closer to her, "You're going to the dance tonight?"

Ava nods, "Yeah. You know I am. Why?"

Nathan scoffs, "Helloooo! Everyone is gonna be at the dance."


"Aaaand that means we could check out Larson's place! She's chaperoning at the dance!"

Ava looks at Nathan incredulously, "Seriously? You're still going on about Larson?"

"Ava! There's something up with her. Daniel checked her file and things just don't add up!"

Ava clenches her jaw and looks around. Then she looks back at Nathan, "Fine! But what do I tell my parents?"

Nathan scoffed, "Easy! Say that I'm your date, so it's not weird when I come pick you up. Yeah?"

"Nate...I don't know..."

"Ava, please! You know something's just not right here. First, Jackie goes missing, then James. Both of whom were last seen with Larson. We can't trust the police anymore. We have to do this ourselves. So?" He offers Ava his hand.

She sighs, "Fine," she places her hand in Nathan's and he smiles.


You immediately pull your hand from your co-star, Bucky's. You blew out air in relief, "Finally. I'm starving!"

Bucky chuckled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, "Ditto. Let's go. I heard they got us a taco truck!" You laugh as you and Bucky walk in sync towards the courtyard across the street away from the set. On your way there, you see a crowd of fans waiting. As soon as they see the both of you, they all scream and cheer.

You smile as you take Bucky's hand and pull him towards the crowd. When you approached them, you smiled and greeted them, "Hey everyone! How's it goin'?"

"Good!" they all reply in unison. You began to take pictures and sign things for them.

"How was filming, Bucky?" a fan asked.

He shrugged, "Work is work. I'm just starving."

"I have some oatmeal bars if you want one!"

He chuckled, "No, thanks! Right after this, Y/N and I are gonna head to lunch."

"Buck!" Bucky turns around and sees you holding a fan's phone, "Let's take one big group selfie!" Bucky rushes up to you and puts his hands on your hips as you hold up the phone, standing in front of all the fans, "Okay! On three, say 'Blindsided'! One! Two! Three!"

"Blindsided!" the crowd exclaims and you take several pictures.

You hand the phone back to the fan, "Here ya go! You should definitely send that to everyone here."

"Will do!"

You hug as many fans as you could, before Bucky pulled you away, "Y/N! Come on! Foood!"

You laughed, "Okay! Okay!" you faced your fans again, "I have to go now or else, Buckster's gonna get cranky. I'm sorry I couldn't get to all of you, but thanks for supporting the show!" you ran off following Bucky who was rushing towards the taco truck.


"'Blindsided' Stars, Y/N L/N and Bucky Barnes, Seen Getting Cozy with Each Other While Meeting Fans"




NAva Foreverrrr!!!

They soooo love each other! #ishipit

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