Part 4

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After the panel, it was time for your autograph signings. You and Bucky grabbed a quick snack before heading to your own tables. You didn't want to get separated, but luckily your tables were next to each others.

You separated from Bucky, giving him a quick, "See ya later" as you rushed to your table. You jumped out from behind the curtain and yelled, "Hey guys!" The fans waiting in line all cheered. You settled into your chair and fans began to approach you.

You heard a loud cheer and you peered to Bucky's table. He was standing on his chair riling the crowd. You rolled your eyes and then stood. You cupped your hands around your mouth and yelled, "Hey, Barnes! Some of us are trying to have nice and peaceful interactions with everyone. Tone it down!"

Bucky stuck his tongue out at you, "Make me!" Bucky then jumped down and went closer to the line of fans, "Okay, on three we're all going to yell 'Hi, Y/N', okay? One, two, three!"

"HI, Y/N!" you got startled by the erupt greeting. You held your hand to your chest and your eyes were wide.

Bucky held his stomach as he laughed, "You should've seen your face! Did anyone get that?"


"Cool! Tag me when you post it!"

You groaned, "Let me work, Bucky!"

Bucky held up his hands, "Fine, fine. Sorry." He moved back behind his table and clapped his hands, "Alright! Let's do this thing!"

About an hour later, you were in your own bubble. You enjoyed greeting fans, signing there things, occasionally taking pictures, and receiving cute gifts from there. Unfortunately, your energy started to waver as it started to near lunchtime.

Bucky kept stealing glances towards you, noticing your smile and eyes not being as bright. It seemed like destiny when his next fan came up with his service dog.

Bucky's eyes widened, "Oh my gosh! Hi! Who's this adorable thing?" he asked rushing to the other side of the table staring down at a brown and white bulldog.

The fan chuckled, "This is Winston."

"Can I pet him?" The fan nodded and Bucky knelt down petting Winston, the dog's little nub of a tail wagging with delight, "Is it okay if I bring him to Y/N?" the fan nodded and Bucky picked Winston up.

Bucky went around and peaked his head through the curtain, "Y/N! I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!"

"If it's not food, go away." you mumbled with a smirk.

"It's better than food!" Bucky said excitedly.

"I highly d-" you gasp when Bucky pulls back the curtain to reveal a bulldog in his arms, "A dog! Oh my Gosh! Can I pet him?!" his owner said yes and you immediately scratched behind his ear, making him smile. You cooed, "Highlight of my day!"

Bucky smiled fondly, "Figured you needed a pick me up. You started looking a little down."

You nodded, "Thanks, Buck. And I'm just hungry. Nothing some food can't fix."

Bucky looked at his watch, "Our lunch is in ten. I'll come grab you and we could go to the break room to eat."

"Alright," you gave Winston one more scratch behind the ear, "Nice meeting you Winston!" Bucky walked back to his booth, leaving you feeling much happier.


You and Bucky hung out at in the break room during lunch. You both updated each other on who you encountered and the nice stuff you received from fans.

You then remembered the friendship rings a fan gave for you and Bucky, "Oh! Check these out!" you pulled out two necklaces with two identical rings on them, "A fan's dad makes jewelry and she had him make us friendship rings!" You handed him his and you took the ring off your necklace. You slipped it onto your left middle finger and nodded in approval, "Perfect fit!"

Bucky hung his around his neck, "This is cool! Now we're real besties!"

You laughed, "Definitely! And this is sooo much better than friendship bracelets."

Bucky pouted, "Well there goes my idea."

You rolled your eyes and nudged him, "Dork." you then picked up a chip and threw it at him.

Bucky narrowed his eyes at you and threw his crumpled up napkin back at you. Before you could throw something back, you were called back to the autograph table. You pointed at Bucky, "This isn't over, Barnes."

"You can count on that, doll." he picked up his trash and threw it away. He followed his escort out, but before leaving, he gave you a wink.


Eventually, the convention to an end and you were now headed back to LA on a plane with Bucky. You were exhausted and were currently resting your head on his shoulder. Your soft snores filled Bucky's ears and he couldn't help the fond smile that found its way on your face.

He scrolled on his phone, going back and forth from instagram and twitter. You nuzzled your face into Bucky's arm and wrapped your arms around him. Bucky then clicked on his camera app and captured some quick pics of you. He posted one onto his instagram story with the caption, "She sleeps like a koala."

The plane suddenly jerked due to turbulence making you jolt awake, "Huh?!"

Bucky snickered, "Just some turbulence. We're fine. Go back to sleep," he wrapped his arm around you this time.

You nodded and settled into his embrace. You mumbled an, "Okay," before falling asleep once more.


buckarooxyou posted: hooooly shit! look at them! theyre so cute!

y/nsfanclub posted: aawww! y/n looks so adorable and comfy! bucky probably makes a great pillow.

blindsidedbyy/nandbucky posted: when's the wedding?

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